Chapter 9: Meet Dimple

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"Hey, Ritsu." I speak between bites of my lunch. "Are you aware that there's a spirit hiding inside your bag?"

"What?" He reaches for his case right as a green cloud floats out of it into the air. A nasally voice emanates from the cloud.

"What's the idea?" The strange spirit accuses. "How did you detect me? I was focusing almost all of my energy on hiding my aura!"

"Dimple!" Ritsu shouts, grabbing the smoky top of the green puff. He whips his hand downwards and slams the spirit against the ground. Dimple unsticks himself and floats a safe distance away.

"Hey hey hey!" Small arms pop out from the spirit's body and wave frantically in front of his nervous face. "I just wanted to meet this chick you were talking to Shigeo about."

"I thought you had trouble getting inside our house?" Ritsu seems unusually defensive. "Maybe it's about time I finally got rid of you." Ritsu raises a hand.

"Ritsu wait, he didn't." I interrupt. "He was just following you guys home from school and happened to overhear part of the conversation."

"Oh, so you can read minds!" The spirit exclaims. "That explains it how you detected me. Can you read this?"

Ritsu writes in his own diary, but if I tease him about it he'll blast me.

I giggle a little before I can stop myself. Ritsu glares at Dimple suspiciously and smacks him with his bag. The green puff collides against a nearby tree. Dimple grouchily dusts himself off and complains, "What? You don't even know what I was thinking about!" The spirit floats off towards the other end of the school. I check where he's thinking about going.

"Dimple is going to find Mob," I tell Ritsu. "He considers him better company than you."

"Fine by me, Mob can handle himself." He takes a small bite of his food. "Besides, Mob usually doesn't mind Dimple's presence. What did Dimple think about that made you laugh?" Ritsu asks.

"Oh," I hesitate before answering. "He just thought about the phrase 'Tis I, the frenchiest fry'."

"Alright," he accepts my response and I look back at my food. I don't want Ritsu to feel embarrassed.

[Drafted by Anna]

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