Chapter 3: They?! Not one, but two!

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Through the whole class, the boy had my attention. The teacher couldn't keep my interest as I tried to figure out why I couldn't read this boy's mind. It was really starting to freak me out knowing that there was someone who I couldn't read. This wasn't normal, not normal at all.

I don't spare a glance at the silent minded boy as I exit the classroom. It's better that I don't tangle with things I don't know. Things that could possible break my new life that I'm trying to build. I move through the crowded hallway easily because of my small size. I basically swim through the crowd until I knock shoulders with someone. A boy that was heading the opposite direction of the crowd. Weird, because I notice when someone's presence is there- oh. Oh gosh, his mind is blank too.

"E-excuse me," I say softly, stuttering. I quickly walking around him, wanting to avoid meeting another person that I can't read. I took note of his black bowl haircut, and small pupils, just in case I see him somewhere else. He's shorter than the other kids and about my height.

The five minute bell rings right as I get my stuff out of my locker. Panicking, I slam my rusty locker shut, accidentally pulling off some of the already peeling blue paint. Ignoring the school rules, I run to the changing room. Being late to P.E is not something I want to be known for. Well, I'd rather just stay under everyone's radar anyways.

I don't join in to the chitter chatter of the girls as I pull my shirt up over my head. I never understood why girls always had to be talking to their friends, no matter what they were doing. Changing does not require one's mouth to be open and making noises. Of course, I've never been that close enough to anyone so I wouldn't know what it'd be like to hang out with friends. I was popular back at my own town, but I kept my 'friends'  at a distance. I never invited them to my house or sleepovers because I didn't want them to find out about my mom. I don't want anyone's pity.

I still have no desire to make friends here though. I finish getting dressed into the school P.E. uniform, and leave the changing room before any of the other girls.

The boys have already started their run around the track when I arrive at the P.E. field. There was one boy that was a lot faster than the rest. He leads the pack of boys like a dominant leader. Wondering who he is, I reach out with my mind. I hit a blank wall, answering my question. It's the silent boy that sat next to me in class. Not only is he dangerous mentally, he's blessed physically. Great, now I really need to keep an eye on him.

I'm too focused on trying to get into the silent boy's thoughts, I don't notice the baseball hurling towards me. The baseball hits me on the head, sending stars into my vision. My hand clutches my head as I fall onto my butt. The boys that were on the track field had already went around and paused near me. A couple of them rush over to where I'm sitting in pain.

"Do you think she'll be ok?"

"Isn't she the new kid in classroom 1-3?"

"That must've hurt, someone should take her to the nurse."

"I'll take her."

"Yeah! Let Kageyama-kun take her; he's a class officer."

I hardly pay attention to their chatter as I hold my head in my hands. I'm brought out of my daze when arms go under my knees and back. Letting out a small gasp, I realize that someone is carrying me. My eyes meet his silent ones as he begins to walk somewhere. I'm shocked that the exact person who I've been trying to avoid was carrying me. How in the world did I get into this situation?

I should've stayed home another day and waited to go school until next week, like my grandmother suggested. Instead, I find myself in the arms of a boy that I cannot read and with a bump on my head. A pulsing headache is added to the mess, and I glare at the boy. I know I shouldn't blame him, but I can't help wanting to blame something.

"I get the feeling that you don't like me very much," he says. I try to straighten out my frown as I clear my throat.

"Why is that, uh... um..." his name eludes me. Maybe that's because I never learned it.

"I'm Ritsu. Kageyama Ritsu."

[Drafted By Natalie]

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