Final Words

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This book has been a fun journey. 

It started with a request I made to my friend Natalie. There were no Ritsu x Reader stories at the time and I asked her if she would write one. This was before I became confident enough to write myself, and I knew Natalie was a great writer. She wrote the beginning of the story, discussing ideas back and forth with me and our other friend Tori. Natalie began to focus more on her own stories and I offered to help finish this one for her. Since then it's become my own story as well, a story I hold dear. Natalie has still been helping me, but the main plot and ending was formulated on my own. This book has helped push me to become my own wattpad author.

I'm glad I was able to enjoy writing this fan fiction with my close friends, and I'm happy so many people read it and enjoy it. Even though it's finished, I'm gonna keep writing and creating more stories. I want to make new ideas and bring more enjoyment to others.

Thank you for all the support! I'm grateful to each read, vote, and comment on these chapters. Hopefully in the future I can write more stuff you guys can enjoy.

Again, thank you! Keep leaving me fun comments, I love reading them!

[By Anna Le Sieur]

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