Chapter 7: Komorebi and Befriending

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Sun rays glow down warmly through the trees as I slowly poke at my rice. I'm still pondering the events from the previous day. I know that my power is a rare anomaly that people could take advantage of, but I've never had someone come after me like that. I don't even understand how he knew? Maybe he didn't even know; maybe he was just some pedophile. That's what Ritsu told the police on the phone, after all. This man had tried to abduct me, a young girl, on my way home from school. I remember we didn't stick around to wait for the authorities to arrive at the scene, we didn't want to do any more explaining than we had to. Ritsu had offered to walk me home, but I explained I was almost there and would be fine the rest of the way. An awkward thank you was all I was really able to say before heading home. Class this morning occurred normally as if Ritsu silently agreed to pretend nothing had happened.

This indescribable feeling still strikes me when I remember how Ritsu jumped right in front to help. His telekinetic abilities are something I'm not used to seeing. They're strong and visual, much unlike my own silent ability. I still can't trust him. His powers don't explain why I can't read him, and I'm able to read most other espers just fine! Now knowing he's psychic just makes him more dangerous. Despite my paranoia, the memory of him protecting me sits warmly in my chest. I'm really not used to help, especially since my parents never even batted an eye at my suffering as a little kid. My arms tingle as I recall how I was able to use my abilities to help escape from a bad situation. I suppose the shock of everything has sort of worn off, but a lingering residue of feelings still remain.

I'm so lost in thought while I stare at my tray that I don't even notice the wall closing in. Ritsu sits next to me on the bench with his lunch and I look up into his dark eyes. I don't know what to say. Why is he sitting here? What is he thinking? Gosh, I wish I could tell! Ritsu forms a small smile with the corner of his mouth.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Um, sure. It's fine."

I look away, taking a drink from my milk carton. The barrier protecting his thoughts leaves me helpless. What the heck am I supposed to say?

"I noticed you don't like eating inside the classroom with everyone else. I figured you could be out here somewhere, and I don't mind getting away from all the chatter myself." He eats a piece of pork and looks around at the surroundings. "You still good after yesterday?"

"Yeah, I'm good. It was a little scary, but things are fine now." I take a deep breath and relax. He's just human, he's just checking in with me.

We silently eat our lunch for a few more minutes before Ritsu speaks up again. "What do you think of this new unit we're moving onto in class?"

"Hm? Oh, it's fine I guess. I've never been great at remembering history. General concepts and stuff like that are fine, but I have trouble remembering all those specific dates. And names, sometimes I forget people's names too."

"Really? What's mine?"

I give him the stink eye but smirk a little bit.

We talk naturally for a bit longer while we eat, then the bell rings. We put away our dishes, help clean up our share, and go back to class. Sitting in my seat I feel alright. He's not that bad, just another kid. Well, except for being the grade idol. But I should from my experience at my last school, being a natural school idol usually doesn't mean much to that person.


The next morning I arrived to class a little early again. Ritsu was there this time, chilling on his desk like he was waiting for me.

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