Chapter 8: Growing Friendship

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A faint beep sounds as the scanner reads the security card. The metal door slides open more silently than one would expect. Michio places the card back into his suit pocket and proceeds into the base complex. It's not extremely large, but it's secure. Fast computers sit on desks in front of researchers diligently scouring through the web. This is the base of operations for the whole project. The researchers find leads for the field agents, and people like Michio carry follow them. Michio usually got most of the jobs simply because of his ability. He didn't mind, the pay was good and he was used to the pain of traveling. Michio makes his way over to the lady sitting in front of the largest screen. Normally he found her intently focused on the computer in front of her, but this time she was leaned back in her chair rubbing her temples.

"Kayoko," Michio speaks in a calm tone, careful not to startle her by accident. She turns around in her chair to face him, pushing a loose strand of black hair out of her face and straightening her glasses.

"Ah, Michio. As always you respond almost instantly. You know, you could always just transmit yourself straight into this room."

"I could, but I figure it would be more professional of myself to go through security like any other agent."

"A fair point." Kayoko turns back to her screen and focuses intently. Tabs and folders flash by on the computer. Within seconds she has navigated through hundreds of files without even touching the mouse. Technopathy is her ability, making her a valuable asset to the team. With a snap of her fingers the printer activates and releases the information Michio needs. Sometimes it's a bother to use physical documents, but the agents weren't allowed to transmit information digitally to each other merely for security reasons.

"There's your new lead." Kayoko states. "Hopefully this one goes somewhere."

"Whether it does or not I'm getting paid the same." Michio replies bluntly.

"Of course." Kayoko responds. "Oh, how did your luck turn out with the girl I researched for you."

"She's legit. Her ability will be useful if I get nowhere on my own."

"Hope your personal project goes well."

Michio politely nods goodbye and turns for the door.


I get into the habit of walking with the Kageyama brothers to and from school. I've kinda become friends with Mob at this point too. He might seem a little dull at first, but he's really nice. I found it kinda funny when he told me about the school telepathy club. I would consider joining, but it seems like they're mostly just interested in using telepathy to contact aliens. It's especially hard to read Mob, not only because of his mental wall but also because of his lack of outward emotion. He's not emotionless, just... quiet? I can't think of a good word to describe him.

Ritsu is very comfortable around Mob, though. He communicates with him easily and understands him a lot more than I do. It would make sense due to the fact that they're brothers. I can tell Ritsu respects his older brother alot. It kinda makes me want to get to know Mob better and figure out why Ritsu looks up to him so much.

One day while we're waiting for class to start Ritsu says he has a question for me. "The other day you acted like you knew my brother. He told me he's never met you before, so what made you act so weird."

"Oh, well, you know how I can read people's minds and stuff."


"It has to do with that. You see, ever since I was little I've always been able to read everyone and tell exactly what they were thinking. I'm used to be able to tell what people think, and that helps me know how to get along with them as well as what they think of me. I've grown up knowing everything. When I transferred to this school I saw you that first day, but whenever I try to read your mind I always hit a blank can't can't access anything! It really freaked me out. In the hall, I passed mob and realized he was the exact same way. I don't know what makes you two different, but I can't tell what you're thinking at all. The fact that you two turned out to be brothers was just an extra surprise. I guess I'm not too bothered by it now, being friends with you guys and all. Does that make any sense?"

"I get what your saying." Ritsu replies. "Could the reason just be because my brother and I are espers?"

"No, it's not that." I explain. "I can read other esper minds just fine."

"Hmm, I haven't heard of anything like that before. Is that why you avoided me during your first few days here?"

"Yeah, I guess." I admit. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know how to react."

Don't worry, I'm not mad. I'm just glad to understand your point of view. Most likely I would have done the same thing in a situation like that."

"That's good to hear," I feel relieved.


When it comes to jokes I gotta be careful. When I was younger I used to slip into the other person's mind and read the punchline before they even said it. Sometimes I would "guess" it before they said it themselves, sometimes I would just start giggling before they even finished the joke which would seem pretty weird. After some practice, I would remember to keep my mouth shut when someone tells a joke, so as not to spoil the fun for everyone. It's no problem now unless someone is an idiot and holds back the punchline for suspense, I have to keep my head straight and usually end up yelling "just say it already!"

When Ritsu makes a joke it's a lot better, I can just enjoy the joke without worrying about it. And Ritsu is more intelligent than other kids, so when he rarely does make a wisecrack, it's definitely witty and clever. Ritsu is usually serious, so it's a fun occasion when he does goof off a little. I suspect he purposefully jokes a little more often around me just because he knows I enjoy it.

I'm still not super used to not being able to read him, but I guess having an unreadable friend isn't all that bad.

[Drafted by Anna]

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