Chapter 9: Until we meet again

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Chapter 9

It was already Sunday and I couldn’t wait for Jared to come back on Monday. I had planned everything. I would go to the airport to pick him up and then we would go to movies and to the same Chinese place where we ate for the first time together. I missed him so much. He was the love of my life and being a week without him would have been hell if Tom wouldn’t have been there. I heard doorbell ringing and I went to the vestibule to open the door. It was Tom.

“Hey”, I said, smiled and hugged him.

I don’t know how it happened, but me and Tom had became very good friends in one week. We basically talked about everything and we had a wonderful time together.

“Hello Isabella”, he said gently and closed the door behind him. “So is Jared coming back today?” he asked.

“Tomorrow. I honestly can’t wait to see him. I wanna know what he had been up to with his brother. Something mysterious I guess”, I answered.

“I don’t know him very well (at least yet), but I think I’ll agree with you”, he said and took off his coat.

“Oh let me take that”, I said and took the coat and put it to closet.

“Oh Isabella, don’t you know that it is gentleman’s job to take woman’s coat and not the other way round?” he said and looked at me.

“Nah I do it my way”, I answered.

“As always”, he said.

We went to the kitchen and on our way there Tom looked at pictures on the walls.

“What is this?” he asked and pointed a picture where me and Jared were in a farm.

I smiled and answered: “Oh hahha. That is the day when me and Jared went to my grandparents’ farm. I gotta admit we both kinda hated that place”.

“What about this?” he asked again and this time pointed a picture where me and Jared were snorkeling underwater.

“Are you blind or what? Can’t you see that we’re snorkeling?” I laughed.

Tom just smiled and we continued to kitchen.

“Would you like to have some wine or something?” I asked and I already opened the fridge cause I knew how much he loved a good wine.

“Not this time, my dear. I actually need to tell you something”, he said.

He looked very serious and I was afraid of the worst.

“I’m leaving. Today. I need to go to France and promote my newest film”, he told.

Yep. The worst happened. I wanted to say him that I needed him and wanted him to stay, but it would have been so selfish. He had his life and I had my own. And Jared was coming back. I didn’t need him anymore. Or did I?

“I understand. I hope we still keep in touch”, I managed to say.

“Me too”, he said and then he done it what I had thought about since we met, but actually didn’t want it to happen.

He kissed me. Right to the lips. Perfectly. Softly. I tried to end it, but some part of me fought hard not to. So I just let him. The kiss was long and passionate. Tom’s lips pushed mine back and smoothly controlled them. Then it ended. He looked at me and said:

“Until we meet again, Isabella Twist”.

Then he walked to the door and I knew what I saw. I saw a tear on his cheek. I could also promise you that I heard him saying on the door:

“Mrs. Leto”.

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