Part 1

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It was late evening, and the sun on its daily journey was beginning to sink in the west, painting the sky with admirable shades of orange and red. This peachy hue of the sky was casting an unreal tinge on the giant stone faces of the Hokages. 

People of the village were following their daily routines. Shops were busy, and streets were full of people making their way back to their respective homes. Children were playing, laughing and running around in the parks till their parents came to take them home. In short, it was just another peaceful day in the Leaf Village.

Meanwhile, watching this all with her beautiful emerald eyes was a female in a long black cloak, standing on a tree branch a few yards away from the entrance of the village. Her long black hair along with her cloak was swaying back and forth in the cool evening breeze.

A small yet gentle smile spread across her lips, as nostalgia filled her eyes.


A little girl was running through the streets of Konoha, her short black hair bouncing up and down. Following her behind was a boy of almost her age. He had spiky black hair and wasn't looking very pleased at all. 

"STOP! Give them back to me!" he shouted, referring to the orange goggles the girl had in her small hands.

The girl simply giggled and continued running.

"HEY ASAMI! Give them back!" he yelled again, chasing after her.

"Come and get them by yourself, Obito," the girl teased, making him growl.

She turned her head to look over her shoulder and found him completely annoyed. She laughed at his expressions, but then bumped into someone and fell to the ground. 

"Ouch!" she yelped, rubbing her butt.

"Y-You al-alright?" asked the black haired boy, Obito, as he caught up to her and tried to catch his breath.

Asami looked up at the person whom she had bumped into, only to meet cold onyx eyes of a certain silver haired boy.

"Kakashi?" she gasped in disbelief. 

"What are you two doing here? You were supposed to be at the training ground," scolded the silver haired boy.

"We.. we were just going there when--" Asami tried to say, but that silver haired boy cut her off.

"No excuse! Your lame excuses annoy me. In fact, you yourself annoy me," he stated bluntly. 

"Don't be rude, Kakashi. She is not annoying at all!" defended Obito.

"O Really? Wasn't you annoyed when she took your goggles?" Kakashi raised his brow, mockingly. 

"W-Whaat! No!" Obito stuttered. 

"Hn.. whatever." Kakashi turned his back toward them."Come to the training ground. Sensei is waiting," he added and walked away.

Obito looked down at Asami, at her frowning face. She was hurt. His eyes softened, and he crouched down beside her.

"Am I really annoying, Obito?" she mumbled lowly. 

"Of course not." He smiled kindly. 

"Then? Why did he say that? I always think of him as my friend, but he never sees me as his friend. In fact, he doesn't like me.. he hates me, Obito. I don't understand why he's always like this, why is he always so.. arrogant?" Looking down, she clutched the hem of her skirt, as tears blurred her vision.

"No, it's not like that," Obito said softly, placing his hand on her shoulder. "He might act arrogant, but believe me, inside he is really caring." 

"Really? How can you say that?" She looked up at him in confusion. 

"I know him. He thinks, showing emotions will make him look weak. That's why he always masks them with his arrogance. At least, that's what I think," he explained, smiling sheepishly. 

"So you mean, he doesn't hate me?" she asked, her big eyes staring at him.

"No, not at all. In fact, he really cares about you." Obito grinned, making her smile.

"Really?" she asked with sparkling eyes.

"Yeah really." Obito chuckled. "Now let's go. Sensei is waiting." He stood up and extended his hand for her. 

End Of Flashback 

Her eyes saddened at this sweet memory of her childhood. She was lost in her own world when a young male voice jolted her back to reality. 

"Hey, who's there?"

She looked down and found two guards standing under the tree. She immediately recognized the duo, jumped down from the branch, and landed in front of them.

"Wow, she is pretty," Kotetsu whispered to his partner who nodded, and blush appeared on their cheeks. 

"Will you stop staring like that?" Her eye twitched under their perverted gaze. The two men straightened up and regained their composure. 

"*cough* so who are you?" Kotetsu asked.

"No wonder they don't recognize me. It's actually been a really long time," she thought to herself. They weren't going to let her inside the village without knowing her identity. She mentally sighed before speaking up again.

"It's me... Asami um remember?"

The duo thought for a moment, staring at her, and then,

"WHA!" Their jaws dropped in surprise.

"I-Is that r-really you? You are b-back?" Izumo stammered in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm back." She couldn't help smiling at their reaction.

"It's very nice to have you back. Welcome home!" Kotetsu exclaimed.

"Thank you. Now, I need to see the Third Hokage. I'll see you two around." She flashed them a smile and walked toward the entrance.


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Thanks for giving this story a chance!!Hope you enjoy this story! It will get better as we proceed and it won't disappoint you 💗💗

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Have a good day/night!

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