Part 10

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Asami made her way straight toward the training grounds. When she had checked the training grounds, he wasn't there.

She was walking, but then her steps became bigger and faster and soon she found herself running. Her smile never faded from her face, as she continued running. Her heart was pounding. She was nervous, but at the same time excited too. She just wanted to see him.. to tell him how she really felt for him.


Meanwhile, in the training ground, Kakashi was leaning against a tree and in front of him was standing none other than Anko. His hands were in his trousers pockets, and he was looking really irritated.

"Will you stop following me like this?" Kakashi complained, as he left the tree and stepped forward.

"Come on. Don't be so rude, Kakashi. You've known my feelings for so long now. You know how much I love you," Anko said, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kakashi groaned at her action. He was tired of her this attitude. He respected her feelings, but she had to respect his feelings too. He had told her a thousand times that he didn't feel the same way, as politely as possible. But, she wasn't ready to accept this.

At the same time, Asami had arrived at the training ground and now was looking around for any signs of the copy ninja.

Anko noticed Asami coming in their direction. Kakashi couldn't see her, as he was standing with his back toward Asami.

Asami was yards away. She hadn't noticed the two yet. A smirk spread across Anko's face, an idea popped up in her mind.

"I've already told you.. I don't feel that way about you." Kakashi pushed Anko away from him and was about to turn around, but Anko faked a fall, preventing him from turning completely and so from seeing Asami.

"Aahh look what you did, Kakashi. You broke my ankle. How am I supposed to walk now? I need to see Hokage in ten minutes," Anko whined, holding her ankle, pretending as if it was actually hurting.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Kakashi murmured, looking away.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Anko asked.

"How would I know?" he replied nonchalantly.

"Lord Hokage must be waiting for me. We need to discuss about the second exam that is starting tomorrow," she argued.

"Where am I stuck.." Kakashi sighed in frustration.

"There is only one way, so I will be able to reach in time," she added with a smirk.

"And what'd that be?" Kakashi raised his brow at her devilish smirk.

"You'll have to carry me." Anko shrugged her shoulders.

"What?" Kakashi said in disbelief. He knew it that she was up to something clever. She just needed excuses to keep clinging to him, something he hated so much.

"It's your fault that I can't walk right now. You pushed me so hard that I fell. Now, you'll have to carry me!" she stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"
Kakashi groaned in disappointment.

Assuming it to be his fault that she sprained her ankle, he took it as a punishment. He bent down and reluctantly picked her up bridal style but without looking at her. Anko smirked and wrapped her arms around his neck. Kakashi just wanted to drop her right there.

Asami was close enough to notice the two now. She stopped dead in her tracks and her smile faded away when she found Kakashi carrying Anko. She was just staring at them, unable to comprehend what exactly was happening.

Why was he carrying her? She didn't know. She couldn't see Kakashi's face, but the way Anko had her arms around his neck was forcing Asami to think what she didn't want to.

Anko knew that Asami was now looking at them. When everything was naturally happening this way, another plan took place in her clever mind.

"Um Kakashi, you have something in your hair," she said, trying to sound honest.

"Hm? What?" Kakashi asked.

"Lean in. I'll remove it," she offered.

Kakashi hesitated for a moment but then leaned in a little. Anko took this opportunity and place her lips on Kakashi's masked ones.


Me: *fumes* Damn that Anko! I'm really pissed rn. Like how dare she do that?

Kakashi: *deadpans with eye on his book* Aren't you the one making her do that?

Me: *Looks away* Whatever.. *Looks back at him* Still! How dare she do that! I'm really pissed.

Kakashi: ....

Me: *Throw his book away and grab his collar.* You can't be hers!

Kakashi: *sweatdrops, smiling nervously* Easy, easy. Calm down. I won't be. I promise.

Me: *smiles sweetly and let go*

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