Part 9

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Asami and Kurenai were sitting in a local coffee shop of the Leaf.

"Listen, Asami.." Kurenai spoke up, making the said female look at her. "Tell him how you truly feel." 

"W-what?" Asami eyes widened, and she almost spat out her coffee.

"Both of us know your feelings for him," Kurenai stated in a serious tone, causing the other to blush a little.

"But.." Asami muttered, averting her saddened gaze. 

"No buts. I know it's not easy, but you have to do this before it's too late!" Kurenai reasoned and took a sip of her hot drink.

"What if.. what if he rejects?" Asami said anxiously.

"What if he doesn't? Why would he even? To be honest, I think he has feelings for you too." Kurenai winked at her.

"Feelings for me too?" Asami remained silent, staring down at her coffee.

"Don't think so much. If you really love him, go for it." Kurenai gave her an encouraging smile.

Asami thought for a few moments. Did she really want him to know about her feelings for him? She asked herself. Yes. She wanted to do it. She wanted him to know. 

"I'll do it." She made up her mind. She was going to do this. She was going to tell him how she felt about him and since how long she had. What his answer would be.. it was something that she didn't want to worry about at the moment.

"I will.. I'll tell him," Asami decided, as she took the last sip of her coffee. 

"Yeah! That's my friend!" Kurenai cheered.

"I'm leaving now. I need to find him." Asami stood up and placed her money on the table. 

"Good luck. I'm rooting for you." 

"Thanks. I'll see you later." 

Asami walked out of the coffee shop. An uncontrollable smile was curving her lips up, and even she herself didn't know the reason of that subconscious smile.

"Now, where am I going to find you, hmm Mr. Copy ninja?" 

She looked around with her sparkling eyes, and started wandering around the village in search of that certain silver haired man.

Time skip

It was evening time now. Asami had searched for Kakashi at almost every place she could remember or think of, but he was nowhere to be found.

She had looked for him at the bookstore, at the Hokage office, at the K.I.A stone, cemetery, the Hokage monuments and of course at his apartment too. She was tired from all the walking and was panting a little too.

"Where are you, Kakashi?"

Asami stopped outside a shop to catch her breath. She heard a familiar voice ordering a bowl of ramen. It was Naruto. She pushed the curtains aside and stepped inside the Ichiraku shop.

"Hey, Naruto," she called, capturing the blond's attention.

"Huh? Asami Sensei?" Naruto looked at her in confusion. 

"Have you seen Kakashi?" she asked hopefully.

"Kakashi Sensei?" He thought for a brief moment. "Yes!"

Aasmi's eyes lit up. "Really? Where?"

"Where.." Naruto tried to recall scratching his head.

"Come on, Naruto. Think. You can do this," Asami coaxed, getting more impatient.

"Yeah! I remember now." The blond grinned widely.

"Tell me please." Asami's smile grew bigger.

"He was going toward the training grounds," he told her. "But he wasn't alone. There was-" 

"Thanks, Naruto." Asami left the shop, not listening to him completely and made her way to the training ground.

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