Part 24

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"Condition is condition. Leave him behind and awaken mitsugan, or stay with him and .. die together. Choice is yours ...."

Their eyes widened upon hearing that.

"Asami, go ahead," Kakashi said, as he stood up beside her. She looked at him in shock. How could she do that? She shook her head in denial.

"There's no way I'm leaving you," she responded, then turned her head to look around.

"Hey, whoever you are. Listen to me," she called, her eyes making a fruitless attempt to find that incorporeal presence. "Just end this already. I don't want this mitsugan."

"It's not possible. I already told ya. You can't withdraw once you've started," said the voice.

Asami grunted, clenching her fists. She definitely wasn't going to leave Kakashi behind.

Kakashi understood well what exactly she was thinking. He knew she would never leave him, but he didn't want her to die there along with him. He grabbed Asami by her shoulders and turned her to face him.

"Listen," he said calmly, staring into her eyes. "Just go."

"Ka-" she tried to say.

"Please," he cut her off.

His visible eye was showing that he was serious. He was telling her to go and leave him to die? He, the most important person to her, for whom she was willing to sacrifice her own life, was sacrificing himself for her?

"No .. no way," she refused.

"Please try to understand. If you stay here, you'll die too. You have to live," he said, as his hands went to her face and cupped her cheeks.

"What about you, Kakashi? What about you?" she protested.

"Better one alive than none. It's better if only I die than both of us," he answered.

"No!" Asami shouted, as she pulled away from his grasp, taking him by surprise. "I dragged you into this. It's better to die with you, Kakashi, than live my entire life without you. I don't want something that will separate me from you."

"Asami." Kakashi stared at her, his expressions softened by her words.

"Hey! I don't need this power. Are you hearing me?" she yelled at the unembodied presence. "Kill us both if that's the case. But I'm not leaving him."

"Is that your final decision?"

"Yes." She nodded confidently.

"Very well then. Get ready for the consequences."

They both held each other's hand, as the door in front of them started glowing. It's light increased and increased and engulfed them both. The flood of light ended, and they slowly opened their eyes. Were they dead?

They were in the middle of a vast clearing which seemed to be infinite. Fresh green grass, countless flowers, butterflies dancing, birds chirping and a silently flowing streams of sparkling water. As for the sky, it looked like the time of dawn with shades of purple, pink, red, orange and yellow adorning the sky.

They both looked at each other in confusion. Kakashi's eye widened when his eye met hers.

"Your eyes," he said, "they have changed."

He was right. Instead of being emerald green, they were bright yellow and were glowing like sun.

"What? We failed, didn't we? We must be dead," Asami said, though she was feeling a surge of new power in her body.

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