Part 17

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Asami was halfway across the street when suddenly, her body tensed up, as a hand grabbed her wrist from behind. She was pulled into a dark alley and was pushed against a wall.

"Wha-" She looked up to see who it was.

The clouds moved away, letting the moonlight illuminate the face of the person standing in front of her. Her eyes widened in surprise and her heart jumped into her throat.

It was the person she didn't want to face. Yes, it was him.. that silver haired masked jōnin whom she was hiding from.


Asami whispered, her eyes wide open in surprise. She was pushed against the wall of a dark alley, and Kakashi was right in front of her. His warm breath, coming through his mask, hit the cold skin of her face, causing a shiver to run down her spine, making her realize how close their faces were. She could feel her heart beating in her ears and the heat rising to her previously cold cheeks. This all was making her feel somehow weak. 

"W-What are you doing?" she stuttered, trying to compose herself. 

"That's what I want to ask you," Kakashi replied in a serious tone, his hand still holding her wrist.

"What do you mean?" She silently swallowed hard.

"I know that you're avoiding me," he stated, his eye peering deep into hers.

Asami eyes noticeably widened, as she stared at him with a lump in her dry throat.

"N-No, I'm not," she said after a few moments, trying her best to sound honest, but her eyes betrayed her. The unconscious side to side movement of her green eyeballs was enough to tell Kakashi that it wasn't true.

"Lie. You are avoiding me. But why are you doing this?" Kakashi demanded, making her look at him.

She saw his eye flicking back and forth, as he looked from her one eye to the other, as if searching for any answer, looking directly into her soul. She felt nervous amd vulnerable under his piercing gaze.

"Did I do something wrong?" he then asked in a voice that held sadness. It tugged at the strings of Asami's heart.

He was waiting for her answer. She knew he wasn't going to let her go until he got what he was looking for. But what reason was she going to tell him for avoiding him, that he kissed Anko? This wasn't the reason she considered worth telling.

"Why would I avoid you?" Asami counter questioned, freeing her wrist from his grasp.

"That's what I'm asking." Kakashi was starting to get frustrated.

"You're over thinking. There's nothing like that," Asami defended, avoiding eye-contact and attempted to walk away, but Kakashi placed his hands on the wall, either side of her face, leaving her no way to escape. She was trapped.

"What do you think you are doing?" Asami snapped impulsively. Kakashi internally flinching at her tone, staring at her with his wide eye. It came out harsher than she had intended, and she regretted after seeing his reaction.

This wasn't going good. It was hurting her, and it was going to end up hurting him too. They both were hurt and were going to be more hurt. It was unavoidable. So, she decided to end it soon.

"Let me go. I need to see my.. my boyfriend. He'll be waiting for me," she spoke up, avoiding his gaze. She was going to tell Iruka that she didn't love him, but at that moment, she couldn't think of any other excuse.

Kakashi's heart skipped a beat. He felt as if someone had stabbed him directly in the heart with the sharpest weapon ever. Her boyfriend? He hadn't expected to hear that.

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