Part 20

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Sunlight beaming through an inch gap between the curtains woke Kakashi up from an unusually sound sleep. He was instantly aware of the female lying beside him and smiled when he noticed that she was still snuggling against him in the same manner that she was when she had gone to sleep. Moving gently, so as not to wake her up, he adjusted himself a little to have look at her face. She looked so beautiful and calm. After all that had happened, he couldn't believe that she was lying there beside him.

Asami began to slowly open her eyes. Looking around with her still blury vision, she found herself in an unfamiliar room, and it came back to her that she was at Kakashi's place, in his bed, lying beside him. She looked up at the man with a clear vision now and locked her eyes with his.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Kakashi smiled, as he gently brushed a stray strand of hair from her eyes and stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. His deep morning voice was surprisingly sexy. 

"Good morning." She smiled, her voice merely a whisper.

He watched her as she yawned and rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. She looked cute. He pulled down his mask and didn't hesitate to connect their lips, kissing her more deeply as compared to the last night. Asami returned the kiss with an equal passion. His hands went to her waist, while her fingers ran through his messy silver hair that was surprisingly soft. She had expected it to be spiky.

They broke apart, and Kakashi began to pull his mask up. Instinctively, Asami grabbed his hand, causing him to stop in mid track of his nose. She realized that the last time she had seen his face was when they were still kids, and it was really really long ago. She respected his privacy, but to say that she didn't want to see what he now looked like would be a lie.

"Can I?" she asked shyly. "I mean.. only if you want--"

"Sure. Why not?" Kakashi smiled and pulled his hand away from his mask.

Asami gently grabbed the fabric and slowly pulled it down, inch by inch, revealing his full face. Her heart skipped a beat, as she unknowingly gasped at his gorgeous face. Her fingers traced the curve of his jaw, her touch soft and light, causing his heart to tighten. Her hand then curved back toward his ear, and she gently cupped his cheek, her own cheeks producing pinkish blush.

Kakashi smiled at her reaction, showing his pearly white teeth which almost made her heart explode. He was the most handsome man she had ever come across in her life. She lovingly stared at him, taking in every detail of his face.

"What?" he asked in a low voice.

"You are so handsome, Kakashi," she answered, suppressing a squeal.

"And you're so pretty, Asami," he whispered back, causing her blush to deepen. "And even prettier when you blush." He chuckled.

"Stop teasing." Asami playfully pinched his cheek.

"Oww!" He winced in pain, making her giggled.

Her fingers then went up to the scar across his closed left eye. She gently traced it, her eyes saddening at the memory of the incident from where he had received that scar and not to mention what he was hiding under that eyelid of his. But, she immediately shrugged it off, not wanting to ruin the moment, and leaned in to tenderly kiss the scar. After lingering there for a brief moment, her gaze went from his eye to his slightly parted smiling lips. She inched in and this time she made the first move, which surprised Kakashi. She closed the gap between their lips, kissing him delicately yet deeply. 

After staying in each other's arms for a while more, they unwilling got up to get ready and start the day. 



Kakashi was in the bathroom, while Asami decided to make some breakfast. She went into the kitchen and checked the fridge and the cabinets. There was surprisingly enough stuff. It seemed as if the groceries had been stocked recently.

Placing her index finger under her chin and her other hand on her waist, she eyed the items carefully.

"What should I make?" she mumbled to herself. 

"What about pancakes?"

Came a voice from behind. She looked over her shoulder and found Kakashi leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sounds good," she replied and pulled her hair in a high ponytail. 

Kakashi took his seat at the kitchen table and watched her as she started making breakfast. There was a comfortable silence between them. Her movements were swift like an expert. He had thought of helping her but watching her was more fun. The way her ponytail dangled and her body moved at a graceful pace, made him smile. She was working quickly and smoothly, mixing the batter together and then pouring it onto the heated skillet. Soon the air was filled with delicious aroma.

After everything were ready, Asami laid a plate of steaming pancakes in front of Kakashi. "Here's your breakfast, Sir." She sounded like a waitress. 

"They smell good." Kakashi poured some syrup over his pancakes. Asami sat down across from him with her own breakfast. 

"They taste even better than they smell," he commended after swallowing his first bite. It had been a really long time since he had had such an amazing homemade breakfast.

"Thank you." She smiled sheepishly. 

After they finished their breakfast, Asami rinsed off the dishes. Drying her hands, she turned around from the sink only to bump into Kakashi's chest, her back against the kitchen counter. She looked up at the man, as he put his hands on the counter either side of her, caging her in.

"Kakashi.." Asami blushed. 

He bent his head down, and she could feel his mouth next to her ear. His hand moved up to her hair and set them free from her ponytail, letting them fell loose around her shoulders and down her back.

"Your hair used to be short back then." Kakashi tucked a lock of her long black hair behind her ear. "But now, they're so long. I like it more this way," he muttered, as he played with a silky smooth strand. Asami could hear his steady breathing, as his lips brushed against the skin of her ear, a thrill of electricity running through her body. Her heart was racing. 

But then, 

*knock knock*

There was someone at the door, but Kakashi didn't want to move a muscle.

*knock knock*

"You should go and check. It might be something important." Asami playfully pushed him away.

Kakashi groaned, causing her to giggle. He walked out of the kitchen, over to the apartment door and opened it to find an Anbu standing there.

"Lord Hokage has summoned you," he informed.

"Alright." Kakashi nodded in response.

"Also Asami. I went to her apartment, but she wasn't there. Do you have an idea where she is?" the Anbu inquired.

"Uh I'll inform her. We'll be there," Kakashi responded, scratching his masked cheek.

"Farewell." The Anbu nodded and disappeared.

Sorry I'm late guys, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way XD

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for your votes! It means a lot <3<3<3

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