Part 6

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Asami woke up to the sunlight shining directly on her face. She looked around with her half opened eyes and soon noticed that she wasn't alone in her bed.

There was Kakashi too, and they were almost hugging each other?! Her face immediately heated up, as she stared at him with her now wide open eyes. As much as she hated to admit, it felt so warm to be in his arms that she wanted this feeling to stay forever. 

Last night incident replayed in her mind, how she had panicked to death, how they hugged, and how it calmed her. She felt vulnerable at her silly weakness being exposed to him, but at the same time, she couldn't help but smile at the way he had treated her. She continued to stare at his masked face, noticing his visible features.

He, with his messy grey hair, without his headband and vest, even with his mask on looked so handsome, that she couldn't take her eyes off him. She was so lost and didn't realize that he was awake now and was silently and amusingly watching her pink cheeks and smiling face, not wanting to move either.

Asami blinked when she finally noticed that he was awake. Her cheeks turned even redder. She tried to pull back, but Kakashi was still holding her tight, so was again pulled into his chest. His arms around her waist, her hands resting on his chest, their faces so close, and lips inches apart, that they could easily kiss, but of course, if they wanted to.

They stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes for a while till Asami decided to speak up.

"K-Kakashi?" she stuttered.

"Hmm?" he responded, not bothering to move a muscle.

"O-Our squad must be w-waiting for us," she mumbled, staring into his onyx eye.

"So?" he asked, pretending of not getting her point.

"We need to get ready. So.. C-Can you please, l-let me go." She averted her eyes to the side, her cheeks as red as tomatoes. 

Kakashi stared at her for a couple of seconds more and then released her murmuring, "Sorry."

She quickly got up and went to the bathroom, hiding her tomato red face while the copy ninja watched her amusingly. 

Time Skip

The next couple of days passed quickly, and now it was the day of the first test of the chunin exams. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura along with other rookies were taking the written test. 

Meanwhile, the four jōnin leaders were sitting in a teachers' room. Asami and Kakashi were sitting on the bench across from Asuma and Kurenai. Asami was leaning against the backrest while the copy ninja was sitting with his elbows resting on his knees.

"It's quiet without the rookies around. Huh. Almost boring," Kakashi spoke up.

"Don't worry. Chances are they will be back sooner than you think." Asuma smirked.

"Why's that?" Asami asked in confusion.

"I heard their first examiner this year is Ibiki," Asuma replied. 

"Hn?" Kakashi and Asami responded in unison, as their eyes went wide for a second.

"Great." The copy ninja leaned back, putting his arm along the backrest behind Asami which sent a strange sensation to the female's stomach. 

Kurenai immediately gave Asami a mischievous smirk which the later ignored. Kurenai had known about Asami's crush on Kakashi since they were kids, and so she used to tease her whenever she got the chance to.

"Sticking them with that sadist right off the bat," Kakashi trailed off.

"Huh? What sadist?" Kurenai asked in confusion, making Asuma chuckle.

"I forgot you are a new jōnin, Kurenai. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to ask that," he said. 

"So, I'm ignorant. Who is he?" Kurenai asked, now looking at Asami and Kakashi.

"He is a specialist," Asami replied.

"Oh yeah. In what?" Kurenai asked.

"Interrogation.. torture," Asuma replied. "Of course, he'll not be using the physical torture during the test. He works on people's mind. Everyone knows him as the head of Anbu torture and interrogation department of the hidden leaf village, Ibiki Morino."

"Oh, so you are talking about Ibiki. Huh?"

Came a feminine voice, and they all looked at the female approaching them. She had purple hair tied up in a short spiky pony tail and purple eyes.

"Anko? What are you doing here?" Asuma asked.

"Well, I was on my way to the exam hall. I'm the proctor of the second exam," Anko responded, as her eyes landed on Kakashi and then the woman beside him. The way Kakashi was sitting close to Asami with his one arm behind her on the backrest seemed of have bothered Anko. 

"Asami. Is it?" Anko asked, her tone not very welcoming.

"Yeah. Good to see you again, Anko." Asami smiled.

Anko smirked, as she walked forward and sat right beside Kakashi, and a little too close for his liking.

"Say, how have you been, Kakashi?" she asked, staring at the masked jōnin in a flirtatious manner.

"Good," Kakashi plainly replied, not looking at her.

"What about a dinner tonight? Just you and me." She winked at him and hugged his arm, causing him to remove his other arm from behind Asami.

Asuma and Kurenai looked at Anko with a 'there she goes again' look on their faces. They had known since an year now, about Anko's struggles of getting Kakashi's attention, and they knew this too that the copy ninja wasn't interested at all.

On the other hand, Asami wasn't aware of this. She was looking at them with quite shocked expressions. The way Anko was hugging his arm and looking at him just made Asami feel uncomfortable. Concerned Kurenai looked over at Asami who seemed to be desperately waiting for Kakashi's answer.

"I'm busy, Anko. Maybe some other time." Kakashi awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"As you wish. I'm free the next two days." Anko smirked and this time did something really unexpected.

She leaned in and kissed him on his masked cheek.

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