Part 5

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Asami and Kakashi were on their way to meet the third Hokage who had summoned all the jōnins. During the day, all the missions team seven had done were simple D-ranks, like pulling out weeds, cleaning river and walking dogs. In every single mission Naruto got himself into trouble. It didn't take time for Asami to study the personalities of the three genins. She was starting to get along with them really well.

"Why do you think he summoned all jōnins?" Asami asked the man who was walking beside her, busy reading his pervy book. This was another fact about Kakashi that had really surprised her, but she chose to ignore this one.

"Probably, chunin exams," he answered, his eye not bothering to leave the book.

They both entered the hall where they were summoned. The Hokage hadn't arrived yet, but all jōnins had already gathered. As soon as their eyes landed on Asami, whispers started spreading through the hall, earning her a lot of glances. This made Asami feel uneasy. She was never a fan of this much attention. Rubbing her arm, she started looking around, trying to find something interesting to stare at.

Kakashi noticed that. He gently grabbed her hand and pulled her to a side where the least people could see her. She was kind of taken aback by his gesture. 

"Thanks." She smiled gratefully for his understanding. 

"No problem," he responded in his usual calm way and leaned back against the wall.

"So, if this is about chunin exams, what are we gonna do?" she asked, looking at him.

"We'll recommend all three of them," he replied confidently. Asami nodded in response. She had just met these kids, but she trusted Kakashi's judgment.

Meanwhile, two jōnins approached them, a bearded male with brown hair and a cigarette pressed between his teeth, and a female with black hair and red eyes.

"Asami! My my, look at you! You have grown even prettier!" exclaimed the female, smiling widely. 

"Kurenai?" Asami gasped, as Kurenai pulled her into a tight hug. Asami immediately returned the hug, happy upon reuniting with one of her good friends. They let go of each other, and Asami looked over at the other jōnin.

"Asuma?" Asami smiled widely. "Good to see you again." 

"Yeah. It's great to have you back," Asuma replied warmly. 

"I can't tell how much I missed you al." Asami heaved a deep sign, as her eyes saddened a little.

"We missed you too. Right, Kakashi?" Asuma winked at the masked man who just stared at him with an unamused look in his eye. 

"Hey, let's catch up tonight.. umm.. at BBQ?" Kurenai suggested.

"Good idea," Asuma instantly agreed. 

"Eh guys-" Kakashi tried to say something but was cut off.

"And no excuses. Both of you are coming!" Kurenai kinda ordered, making Kakashi sigh in defeat.

Four of them were busy chatting and laughing when another shinobi joined them. He had brown hair tied up in a spiky pony tail, warm brown eyes and a scar across his nose bridge.

"Asami. You are finally back, and you didn't tell me.." he said with a tiny hint of complain in his voice.

Asami looked over at the man and recognized him as Iruka. When they were younger, they were really good friend. He was a very kind soul, but sometimes, his attempts of trying to get extra close to her would irritate her.

"I'm sorry, Iruka. I didn't get a chance to." Asami smiled apologetically.

"It's alright. It's nice to have you back." He smiled warmly and extended his right hand toward her.

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