Part 27

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Hayate's funeral was done in the darkness of the night. After comforting Yugao and helping her sleep, Asami had returned to her apartment. Kurenai was going to stay with Yugao for now.

It was 1am when Asami came out of her bathroom after taking a warm shower, trying to clear her head from unnecessary thoughts that were contesting her brain.

She was wearing loose knee-length black pants and a half sleeved white t-shirt. Standing close to her bed, she began to dry her hair with a towel.

Her thoughts were constantly revolving around the snake Sannin, Orochimaru. Of course it was him responsible for Hayate's death. She had spied upon him for more than eight years, and she knew how powerful he was and what exactly he was preparing for.

Also, she couldn't stop thinking about what Yugao was going through after losing her lover. How was she going to live without the person who was her lifeline? She herself couldn't even imagine a life without Kakashi. It was too heart-wrenching to even think about not having him by her side.

Asami was lost in her own distressed world when a squeaking sound broke into her train of thoughts. She jumped out of her skin and instinctively spun around only to see Kakashi crouching down on her windowsill.

"Whoa! You scared me." Asami blurted out, placing her hand on her chest, trying to calm her wildly beating heart.

She hadn't even sensed him?! That was strange. Kakashi studied her for a few seconds, a little taken aback by her abrupt reaction.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." He jumped down from the window inside her bedroom and walked over to her.

"It's not your fault," Asami trailed off, picking up the towel that she had dropped earlier. 

"Something on your mind?" Kakashi asked, eyeing her carefully.

"It's nothing." Asami sighed and resumed drying her hair.

Kakashi placed his hand on her cheek, making her look at him. He had noticed her behaviour before too, the scared look on her face when Yugao was crying at Hayate's dead body. He knew what could be going through her mind. He understood her very well.

"You can tell me, you know," he coaxed, staring directly into her eyes. Asami couldn't resist his demanding yet concerned gaze.

"It's Orochimaru," she answered and put the towel on the bed. "He hurt Sasuke.. and killed Hayate. Who knows what his next target will be?"

"Don't worry. He-"

"How can I not worry, Kakashi?" Asami cut him off. "He's preparing to do something big! He's powerful, and he's upto no good. What if he attacks the village? What if he destroys everything? What if he hurts any of my friends? What if Kurenai, Asuma, Yugao, Guy, Iruka or anyone else dies?" She bursted out while Kakashi silently stared at her.

"What if.." Her hand reached up and covered his gloved one that was cupping her cheek. "What if something happens to.. you, Kakashi.." Her voice almost disappeared and eyes became misty. "I don't want to lose you." 

Kakashi wordlessly watched her for a few more moments. He then smiled gently. "You worry too much, you know." He pulled down his mask and planted a kiss on her forehead. That's all what it took for a tear to break through the barrier of her eye and travel down her cheek.

"And you cry a lot too." He chuckled, as he wiped away the tear with his thumb.

"That's not my fault. I just don't want to lose anyone ever again, especially you. You're the only one I have in my life now, and I-" She was interrupted when he placed his finger on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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