Part 14

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"Will you join me for a dinner tonight?" Kakashi asked in a hopeful voice, rubbing the back of his neck.

Asami's shocked eyes jerked toward him. Did she hear him right? He was actually asking her out for a dinner?!

She wanted to say 'yes' so badly, but then she remembered something.. that kiss. She knew that he possibly couldn't feel about her the same way she did. It was just a friend inviting his friend.. nothing more.. and nothing less. She didn't want to lose their friendship, she didn't want things to get awkward between them, but she needed time, time for everything to get normal like it was before.

"I.. I am sorry, Kakashi. But I cannot come today," she replied, avoiding his gaze once again.

"Can I ask you the reason?" Kakashi asked softly.

"I need to prepare a report for the Hokage," Asami made up a random excuse and mentally cursed herself for lying. She could have just told him that she already had plans with Iruka, but a part of her didn't let her do so. 

"I see," he trailed off, and she looked up at him. He appeared disappointed and sad which made her instantly feel bad.

"It's okay," he added after a moment and gave her his closed eye smile which caused Asami's heart to skip a beat.

"Please don't look at me like that!" she mentally pleaded, looking at everything but him.

"You need any help with the report?" he asked.

"No, thank you. I can manage." She forced a shaky smile. "I'll see you later then," she added and closed the door while he was still standing there. 

Leaning against the closed door, Asami tried to normalize her heartbeat that was getting wild, while Kakashi just stared at the place where Asami was standing a moment ago. He had noticed the strangeness in her behaviour. She wasn't acting like her normal self. She was definitely hiding something.

He narrowed his only visible onyx eye in confusion.

"What's up with her?"

At Night.

Asami and Iruka were sitting in a restaurant for the dinner. During the whole time, Iruka was talking, and Asami would simply answer with no or yes. She wasn't feeling very comfortable, but it did kind of help her distract her mind a little.

After the dinner, Iruka paid the bill, and they walked out of the restaurant. As soon as Asami stepped outside, her eyes landed on a certain jōnin who happened to be walking on the same street.

"Oh no." She quickly looked to the other side, trying to hide her face, but failed miserably.

Kakashi had already noticed her. He stopped upon seeing the two coming out of the restaurant together, and just stood there, staring at them, not believing his eye for a moment.

"She said that she needed to prepare a report, but she is here.. with him. Was it this that she was hiding?" he thought in dismay. Seeing them come out of a restaurant together like that forced the thought of them dating in his mind, but he immediately pushed that unwanted thought aside.

Asami could feel Kakashi's gaze on them, but she pretended as if she hadn't noticed him. She felt guilty for lying to him. She didn't know why she was doing this. It was all just.. just somehow happening on its own.

They both were walking in Kakashi's direction. Asami's heartbeat increased with every step she took toward him.

Kakashi kept standing there, thinking that she would stop to say something, but to his disappointment, she just closed her eyes and walked past him, without even acknowledging his presence.

This made Kakashi's heart to drop into his stomach. His chest tightened, and he clenched his fist. He was sure that she had seen him, but didn't know why she ignored him like that. It bothered him.

Did he do something wrong? Why was she ignoring him? Why didn't she tell him that she was going out with Iruka? What was going on between the two? Were they dating? That's why she didn't want him to know?

All these questions were agitating him. He clenched his fist tighter, as he stood there for a while, his head bowed down, trying to process everything that had happened.


Asami and Iruka were now walking on an empty street. The female was preoccupied with her troubling thoughts.

"I'm doing wrong. I'm ruining our friendship. I am sorry. Please forgive me, Kakashi. I don't want to act like this. I don't know why I am doing this. I'm sorry." Asami felt this heaviness inside her chest. She was feeling guilty, really bad for making him feel betrayed.

"Asami." Iruka snapped her out of her thoughts, and they both stopped walking.

"What is it, Iruka?" She turned her head toward the man.

Iruka took a deep breath and stepped closer to her. He then grabbed her hand and held it gently. Asami eyes widened at his sudden action.

"It's time I open my heart and tell you my feelings for you," he uttered, staring into her eyes, with his warm brown ones that were showing passion.

"W-What are you talking about?" Asami asked nervously, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"The first time I saw you in the academy, I could feel my heart beat in a different way. You're always so kind. Every time I'm with you, I feel something special in my heart," he confessed, his tone serious but smile never leaving his face.

Asami was feeling extremely anxious about where this was going. 

"What do.. you mean? I-I don't understand," she stuttered, as her cheeks started to heat up.

"What I mean is." Iruka gripped her hand tighter.

"I love you, Asami."

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