Part 4

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Asami nodded and flashed him a smile, glad that he remembered her at least. It felt as if a burden was lifted from her heart. Kakashi kept on staring into her green orbs and looked as if he wanted to say something more but,

"You two can catch up with each other later," spoke up the Hokage, causing them to break their eye contact and look at him.


"Yes, Lord Hokage."

"As you don't have any teaching experience, so first you'll be working with a jōnin who is already training some genins," he explained. "You'll be joining Kakashi."

"What?! Kakashi and a sensei?" she thought with a disapproving look on her face.

"Is there a problem?" the Hokage asked, noticing her reaction.

"No, Sir," she replied, regaining her composure.

"Kakashi." The Hokage turned to the man. "She'll be helping you train your genins. I'm sure you won't have any objections."

"Fine by me," he replied casually.

"Good. You may leave now, Kakashi. Asami, you stay," he instructed while doing some paperwork.

Kakashi bowed and turned around to leave but not without stealing a glance at the young female. After he was gone, the Hokage spoke up again.

"So, Asami. The team you'll be joining will have Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha." 

"Naruto? Is he.." Asami hesitated. 

"Yes, Minato's and Kushina's son." 

"Naruto and an Uchiha too," Asami thought to herself.

"Naruto is your teacher's son, Sasuke is an Uchiha just like your deceased teammate and Kakashi, your only left former team member whom you are meeting after so many years.. I understand well what your feelings will be for those three especially Kakashi since you two share a strong bond. I explained the very same thing to Kakashi too, when I assigned him this team, as he is no different. Just don't let your feelings get in your way," the old man advised in his old and slightly shaky voice. 

"You can count on me, Lord Hokage," Asami assured him. 

"Good. I expect nothing less from you." The Hokage smiled. "You may leave now. Meet Kakashi, and he'll introduce you to the genins."

"Yes, Sir." She bowed and walked out of the office. 

"Now where am I going to find him? He could have at least waited for me," Asami thought in disappointment when she didn't find him in the hallway like she had expected. She walked down the hallway and out of the building. Hardly had she taken three steps when she heard a familiar voice.

"So, you're finally back."

She stopped in her tracks and could see someone standing in her peripheral field of vision. She turned her head and found Kakashi leaning against the wall, his one foot on the wall, and his hands casually tucked inside his trousers pockets. His visible eye was reflecting kind of boredom, and his voice was more manly and deeper than she remembered it to be.

"It seems so." She smiled, completely turning toward him.

Kakashi's onyx eye studied the young female. She had grown up a lot. She was taller and had matured physically. Her black hair that used to be shoulder lenght, now reached the bottom of her back, shinning like a falling stream of black water. Her green eyes, pale white skin and pink lips, in short, she was even prettier than he remembered her from the last time.

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