Part 13

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It was noon now. Asuma and Kakashi were strolling through the streets. They were free, because their students were busy taking the second test of the chunin exam.

"So, why haven't you asked her out yet?" Asuma asked, watching Kakashi through the tips of his eyes.

"I don't know," Kakashi mumbled casually, his gaze fixed on his favourite book.

"Take her out for a dinner tonight," Asuma suggested.

"Huh?" Kakashi looked up from his book at his friend with a confused look.

"Go now and invite her for a dinner!" Asuma insisted. "At least in this matter, don't be late, Kakashi. Let her know how you feel," he advised.

Kakashi thought for a few moments. He then inhaled deeply, as he flipped his book shut and put it in his pouch.

"Now, I know what to do."

"I'm coming."


He smiled, running a hand through his silver hair.


​​Asami was lying in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She had returned from Kurenai's house a while ago, and she wasn't feeling like going out or doing anything, not like she'd a mission to complete either.

She had lied to Kurenai that she was over it. It was still bothering her. She was still thinking about it.. still thinking about him.

"Now, I don't know what to do."

"I'm not ready to face you."


She sighed and turned to her side.

The clock ticked away and an hour flew by quickly.

Asami was still curled up in her bed when she heard a knock at the front door. She groaned, not wanting to get up. She wasn't in the mood of seeing anyone at the moment. She wanted to be alone.

When the knocking continued, she sighed and got up. She lazily walked over to the door and opened it.

Standing in front of her was the person she was expecting the least. She stared at the man with a surprised look on her tired face.

"Good afternoon," he greeted. 

"Good afternoon, Iruka," she responded.

"You seem down. Is everything okay?" Iruka asked, noticing her dark circles and messy hair. 

"Y-Yeah. Just a little tired," Asami replied with a small smile. "Come in please."

"No, thank you. I just came here to invite you." He smiled nervously, averting his eyes before looking at her again. 

"Invite? For what?" Asami furrowed her brows in confusion.

"For a dinner tonight," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Dinner? Is there some occasion? Who else will be there?" Asami asked.

"N-No. I want to take you out for dinner. Uh I mean, just you and me?" he explained shyly, scratching his now blushing cheek. 

Asami just stared at him, not knowing what to say in response. She knew that Iruka had probably liked her since they were, and he had expressed it many times, not verbally but through his actions. She genuinely had no feelings for him, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings by directly turning him down. She knew the feeling! She took it as a friendly invitation only, and who knows this might help her distract her mind from the things that had stolen her peace. 

"It's okay if you don't want to. I'm sorry that I wasted your time," Iruka sadly trailed off and took a step back to leave.

"Hey, Iruka," Asami spoke up, making him stop and look at her. "I'll come." 

His eyes widenedbin disbelief. "Really?"


His previously dull face lit up, and he smiled widely. "I'll pick you up at 8 then. Goodbye."

"Okay. See you later." She returned the smile.

After he left, Asami closed the door. Hardly had she turned around when the door was knocked again. She sighed, thinking that Iruka must have forgotten to say something.

She opened the door again and much to her surprise, it wasn't Iruka this time. It was someone else, someone totally unexpected. 

Her eyes went wide, and heart skipped a beat when she found the famous copy ninja to be standing right in front of her.

Asami wasn't ready to face him, at least not yet. The scene of him kissing Anko replayed in her mind, and she immediately looked away, trying to find something else to stare at.

"Hello," he greeted, with more than his usual energy.

"Uh Hi," she responded, not looking him in the eye, which he instantly noticed.

"I came here to ask you something," Kakashi said sheepishly, while Asami remained silent and waited for him to continue.

"Will you join me for a dinner tonight?" he asked in a hopeful voice, rubbing the back of his neck.

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