Chapter 1

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Anna is a 17 year old girl who lives in Chino hills. Her best friend is Cameron Dallas. She secretly has feelings for him but doesn't know if he has the same. When he takes her to Magcon with him will she find someone new or will her and Cameron become inseparable?

Anna's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring! I still can't believe school is starting up again, the summer flew by since I had been in New York visiting my cousin. I'm kinda glad that it's starting again though, it means I get to see Cam every day and make up for the time we lost while I was away in NY.
I started getting ready since school started in an hour. I took a shower and dried my hair I wore a teal v-neck with my jean shorts from Abercrombie. I put on my teal vans and straightened my hair till it was pin straight. My hair reaches my mid back and I got a pretty amazing tan this summer! So I just put some black eyeliner, mascara and a little foundation. I went downstairs grab my bag and texted cam:

me: Goodmorning cammy!

cam: goodmorning beautiful! need a ride?

me: sure! be here in five;)

cam: ok byeee

Cam's POV

I haven't seen Anna since June when she left! it's been over a month!! I'm glad she texted when she did because I was about to leave.! I can't wait to see her. I got in the car and drove over to her house. I ran up and knocked she came running I could hear it! she opened it and screamed

"cammyyy! I missed you so much" she said while launching herself at me

"I missed you too!!" i said while hugging her back.

she has gotten more gorgeous if that is even possible. her long blonde hair was pin straight and perfect length! she had a gorgeous tan that made her blue eyes pop! I've liked her since 7th grade. we met in 2nd. I want her to be mine but I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't like me back...

Anna's POV

He looks great! by great I mean perfect! his big brown eyes were so beautiful. and I missed the hug once we let go. I wish he just realized I have a crush on him so he can be mine! selfish much? I mean ya I want him all to myself but I don't want him knowing that. yet.

as we were in the car he turned on the radio and all of me by john legend came on. man this is my jammmm! I screamed the lyrics while he laughed and drove on occasionally looking over as I danced along with the beat.

Cam's POV:

she was screaming lyrics and dancing along. it was hilarious! I looked over when we reached the school and caught her staring at me.

Anna- i missed hanging out with you.

me- same. you wanna come over later my parents are working late?

Anna- yessss!!! but byee ( as she winked and hopped out of the car)

man I missed her.

Okay so this is my first fanfiction and It probably sucks.😂 but please keep reading. byeee sugar plums sorry for the long chapter!


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