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Cameron's POV

Me and Anna drove to the hotel straight after the trampoline place. We got there and went straight to our room. Right when we stepped inside I shut the door and pinned her against the door and kissed her. I have been waiting to do that all night. we heard people running in the hallways I peeked out it was Mahogany, Nash, and a few other people from our group but they were probably just goofing off. I kissed Anna again and then picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso. Not disconnecting our lips I carried her to the bed, this was an intense make out session. I took my shirt off and threw it toward the corner of the room. I went back down to kiss Anna and she pulled away.

"Wait. I'm not ready yet. Plus Taylor could walk in any second, plus I'm tired from tonight. I'm going to bed Cammie" Anna said while pecking me then laying down and getting under the covers. I got under as well and whispered "Goodnight Anna" in her ear.

Me and Anna are suprisingly Virgins. But I guess I got caught up in the moment this time. We haven't said I love you yet, but I love her. I really do! I'm just waiting for the right time to say it.

I look over at her beautiful face and she cuddles it into my chest, I intertwine our fingers and we both drift off.

Authors Note-

Sorry for the short chapter. I was trying to fill in what I missed in the last one. Keep reading, Love you! Comment what you think about the book so far.❤️ ~Lizzie😎

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