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Cameron's POV

We got onto the plane and Anna was no where to be seen. I searched everywhere till I heard her laugh. that's a relief. I walked toward the back and saw Nash Grier talking to her... he is like the most popular viner ever! I walk over to him and said "hi I'm Cameron Dallas, your must be Nash I love your vines!" I tried to play cool. because I was absolutely fanboying inside😂. "hey cameron your really funny and I'm siked that I finally met you!!!" Nash said. OMG DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT?
"so are you coming to Kentucky for magcon?" I asked. "yeah! you?" he said. I nodded and we headed to our seat. Nash sat closest to the isle and me in the middle and Anna next to the window. Her and Nash fell asleep. she was so beautiful I just hope that no magcon guy will take her away.

*few hours later*

we just got to our hotel and me Anna and Taylor Caniff are sharing a room.
we walked in and he was by the mirror fixing his bandana (galaxy to be exact) he was wearing a white v-neck with black skinny jeans and galaxy vans. I have to admit for being the same gender he wasn't to bad looking. I could tell Anna thought the same. he walked over and said "you must be Cameron and Anna! I love your vines cameron. and Anna your absolutely beautiful." he was already making her blush. "Thanks I love your YouTube videos too taylor! and you can call me Cam!" I said. "Thanks for the compliment but I have a boyfriend." Anna said while interlocking our fingers. that's why I love her.

Taylor's POV

damn. she Is hot and taken. of course. but I could tell if I didn't flirt with Anna anymore me and cameron could be close! so that's my goal. I grabbed my stuff and got out my charger plugged up my phone and layed down.

Anna's POV

okay I admit Taylor is pretty fine but I have Cameron and I could tell he was Jealous so i made it clear I didn't want taylor. Taylor sat on his bed and me and Cameron on ours we turned on Wipe-out and got under the covers since it was 10:45 at night and we had to be downstairs at 8:00. Cam took off his shirt and I went to the bathroom and changed into a Cameron Dallas tank top and black spandex. when I walked out Taylor was in his American eagle boxers combing his hair and cam was in his basketball shorts and was on the phone with his mom. he had his hand on the back of his neck and it was such a turn on. woah. if Taylor wasn't in here I'd be all over him. and 2secs later Taylor went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and locked the door. my time. I ran over to cam and kissed his neck as he said goodbye to his mom and I kissed the corner of his mouth after he hung up and he said "don't be a tease" while winking and Taylor screamed "condoms are the key to being rich old people!!!" we laughed and I kissed his lips passionately and pulled away quickly and ran and got into the covers. "if you weren't wearing my merchandise I would so rip it off you!'" he said. and with that I kissed his cheek and turned on my side and felt the bed sink down as he got in the he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I fell asleep quickly after that.

sorry if it was long but. comment names for Taylor's , Nash's, and the mystery guy's girlfriend!

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