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Cams POV

Today is our Wedding and the ceremony starts any minute now. I'm trying to fix my hair because I'm a nervous wreck. I walked out to stand in my spot in the front of the church as the music started to play. All the guys are in the front row and I see Aaliyah's pretty little face behind Shawn. She is so sweet. Out of the corner of my eye I see my dream girl walking down the isle. Her dress is gorgeous and complements her curves perfectly. Her hair and makeup is done up beautifully. I have no clue how I got this lucky but I'm glad I did. I love her. She stood Infront of me as tears fell down her face. We said our vows and I slid the ring onto her fragile fingers, and she slid it on mine.

"I do" i said as I looked into her eyes. As the man beside me said what needed to be said.

"I do" Anna said. I then heard the words that I've been dreaming of for years.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said as I cupped her face and placed her soft lips on mine. It felt like the first time. All the sparks the passion the love. The crowd roared and we walked down the isle together.

"I love you Anna." I said as we walked toward the limo. (a/n they aren't having a reception Because they are leaving for their honeymoon.)

"I love you too!" she said pecking my cheek.


We just reached the house and we have 4hrs until our flight to Hawaii.

"let's change and get a shower" she said as she took the accessories out of her hair.

"hey can you unzip this?" she said pointing to her dress. It's time YAYYYYYY

"yes mrs. Anna Dallas" I said gliding my fingers down her back with the zipper. She tilted her head to the side as she took out her earrings. I kiss her neck and she slid off the dress.

"Cameron." she said. as she turned around and kissed me.

"Your gonna be the father of my children" Anna said as she undid my tux.

"I'd be glad too!" I said.


1more chapter then an epilogue? YASSSS I love you thank you for 1k! ~Lizzie

Forever ~Cameron Dallas FanficWhere stories live. Discover now