Chapter 34

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Cams POV

We just got home from the hospital and I still want to know what she got me for my birthday.

"Hey Cam can you help me get this down?" She said as she got on her tippy toes and making the puppy dog face. She is so cute!

"Awh babe of course." I went straight behind her and grabbed it. It was a box. A little jewelry box.

"Thank you." she said as she put in some diamond studs from the box. She then put her long straightened hair in a ponytail.

"Anna can I ask you something?" I say as I play with the little hairs on the back of my neck.

"Anything" she said as she pulled me over to the bed we were now sitting.

"what did you get me for my birthday." I asked as she got up went into her suitcase and got out a box.

"here!" she handed it to me as I ripped it open like a kid on Christmas morning. It was a camera. For filming my YouTube videos! It was perfect!!!

"thank you so much!" I said hugging her so tight she winced. I forgot about the Nash incident for moment.

"welcome bb" She said kissing my cheek.

"you said some stuff while you had your loopy meds but one stood out." I said smiling. The one thing that stood out to me was how she wanted to have children. She wanted me to be the father of her child.

"what was it?" she asked nervously but still smiling.

"Let's just say it starts like this." I said as my hands moved down her sides and I place my lips on to hers. She immediately kissed back.

"oh I understand now." she said smiling.

"I love you. But we need to stop procrastinating and plan the wedding." I laughed

"Yes I'll get started on that next week because this week I'm focus on you, and only you cam." she said biting her lip afterward then she pushed me back and crawled on top of me. she kissed me and said

"later babe."

"Noooooooooooowwwwwww" I screamed as I hopped up and down like a 5year old that was promised ice cream.

"You're a doof but I'm still sore from the incident." she said.

"I'm sorry babe. Netflix?" I said getting under the blanket and turning on the tv/xbox (both).

"thank you." she said as she nuzzled up to me. I heard little snores as our movie came to an end.

"goodnight Anna" I said as I kissed her forehead and I fell asleep.



~Lizzie ( Twitter- @thotxdallas )

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