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Anna's POV

"mommy! daddy! come tuck me in" Chloe said from her room. Me and Cameron walked upstairs he brushed against me and it still sent chills through my spine. I smiled as he kissed Chloe's forehead and rubbed her back untill she drifted off. Cameron walked past me as I stared into her room. I watched her chest move up and down. I felt Cameron's hands rap around me. He lifted me off the floor and carried me into our room. He just grinned as he set me on our bed. His hands glided up my tank top. He kissed me I smiled through it as I thought about how he makes me feel like a teenager.

that's when I woke up. I looked at my phone it was 6am. Was that all a dream. I got up and ran outside to Cameron's house. I knocked on the door and there he stood. he just looked at me like he didn't love me. Like we never dated.

"Anna it's 6am. Your dad is gonna be mad!" He didn't love me. It was all a dream. I turned around and walked away.

"BEST DREAM EVER" I screamed. Out to the world. Cam just looked at me. I smiled and skipped into my house passing my dad. I got ready for school and I ran up behind cam jumped on his back I kissed his cheek. He turned around as I jumped off his back. he looked at me.

"Anna I like you a lot."

"I know" I kissed him. he immediately kissed back. I hope it ends up like my dream. Because I fucking love him.


Authors note:
that's it! thank you for 1k😍 Should I write another? Thanks for everything.

follow @thotxdallas on twitter❤️


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