Chapter 23

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Anna's POV

I woke up next to Cameron. His arm was rapped around my waist. I was facing him with my leg thrown over him, I went to move it down and I felt pain in between my legs. He defiantly rocked my world last night. I notice I was naked. We had 2hr till we had to leave I don't know why I woke up so early but I did so I went and got in the shower. I felt my muscles relax and some of the pain went away. I washed my hair shaved and all that, then I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I put light makeup on and by now I have to wake Cam up so we can eat.

"Cammy it's time to wake up to go to magcon." I said while kissing his neck.

"No it's not. I want to sleep." he said and covered his face with a pillow.

"Last night was fun. GET UP" I screamed the last part.

"Let's do it again sometime! AND COME ON THEN" cam mocked me. as he carried me to the kitchen.

"we need to leave, grab a poptart and let's goo!!!!" I said.


Cams POV

We got to the hotel and it's huge!!! Bart is talking to us about rules but all I can think about is last night. I think she is the one.

"Rooms, 609 Mahogany, Aaron Jacob, 610 Taylor Dillon Matt, 611 Jack and jack with Sammy, 612 Nash Cameron Anna, 613 Carter Shawn Hayes. I'll be in 207. call if you need me! Meet tomorrow at 4pm for The sound check. 6pm is VIP then the event." Bart said.

We all walked to our rooms but Anna was lost in the crowd of all 14 of us. I set my stuff down in our room and texted her

to Anna Bear❤️:
Where are you? Are you okay??"

from Anna Bear❤️:
I'm I'm Hayes room. Come here:-)

I walked next door and knocked, Hayes answered.

"ANNA YOUR BÆ IS HERE!" he yelled

I walked in and we all agreed to go to the beach later but I need to talk to Nash. I need advice about her. I want her to be mine forever. But i don't know if it's to soon.

"hey Anna I'll be back later I just need so bro time with Nash. love you bye" I kissed her cheek and left. I walked back into my room.

n-what's up?

c-I need your help.

n- with what

c- I think she's the one.

n- Anna??

c- ya. I love her. and I want her to be mine and only mine forever and always.

n- well your turning 19 and she is 18. I think you guys are old enough! Come up with a good proposal idea and take mahogany ring shopping with you.

c- haha well that was easier then I thought. when should I do it?

n- MAGCON prom. they have a gazebo that you can put Christmas lights on and make sure you get someone to take a picture.!! that can be my job! I'll keep her company while you do all the planning stuff.

c- thanks nash. tell mahogany. I'll go secretly play with her fingers.

I walked over to hayes room and he let me in.

"Hey Hayes, let me measure your hand to mine!" I said

"uh okay?" he replied and we put our hands together and mine were bigger.

"oh nash said yours were big" I said

"Anna yours are small right?" I asked putting mine to hers.

"oh yep perfectly fine!" I said kissing here and skipping out of the room.

Anna's POV

He is acting weird. But it's cute. He is the guy I want to grow old with but i don't know if it's to soon to tell him.

To Mahogany😍:
It's official he is the one. HELP ME😩

From mahogany😍:
Let him be the first to talk about it. But I ship it so hard. I'm also your childrens' god mother.

to Mahogany😍:
thanks and lol!😂

Why was cam measuring people's hands anyway? I still need to learn how to slow dance. but Taylor is the only one that went to prom. Looks like I'm going to him cause cam clearly needs to calm down. I walked to Taylor's room and everyone was a dinner other then him in there. So we were alone.

"teach me how to slow dance, I need to know for MAGCON prom" I practically demanded

"ok well all you do is..." he said while putting my arms around his neck and his around my waste.

"Now all you do is sway to the music! and to make cam feel good you can lay your head on his chest!" he said

"thanks I have to go now though. I need to catch up with nash.

I lied. I just don't like telling Taylor I'm leaving him for cam it just seems mean. cause it looks like it hurts him when I say cams name.

As I was walking down the hallway and I saw a couple sucking faces in the hallway. OMG ITS NOT JUST ANY COUPLE ITS MAHOGANY AND...


well yep. ❤️

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