Chapter 14

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Matts POV

"NASHHHHH!" I screamed

"What do you need??" he said

"I need help on what to wear..." I said while thinking about mine and Maddie's date.

"You need to calm down bro. but here wear this." Nash spoke

he handed me a black V-neck and khaki shorts. I put on black vans with it.

"Thanks" I said

"Anytime, use protection!" Nash said jokingly.

I'm supposed to pick Maddie up in 5 minutes. so I decided to walk down.


*At the drive-in*

I drove Bart's truck and put a mattress in the trunk with pillows and a blanket. I also snuck a box of pizza and sprite. We are watching The Fault In Our Stars.

"Matt." maddie said

"yea?" I replied

"I love you." Maddie said

"I love you too Maddie" I said. I leaned down and kissed her softly.


We walked up to the hotel room and we laid down and I kissed her. "goodnight Maddie I love you." "Goodnight, I love you too Matt." she kissed me. and we kinda started to make out a little. she pulled my shirt off and I tugged hers and she teared it off without breaking the kiss.


I woke up tangled in skin, naked. She was still asleep so i kissed her forehead and took a shower. when I got out I changed and laid her clothes out. I left her a note saying "stay here I'll be right back. love you;) ~Matt". I went and got her breakfast and brought it up. I opened the door and she was sitting there on her phone wearing the clothes I put out, they look so cute on her! :D
We were eating and I guess I was staring at her cause she giggled and waved her hand Infront of my face. hehe oops!

"Matt?" -maddie

"ya?" -me

"What exactly did we do last night?" -maddie. (after the drive in we kinda drank a little...)

"well we did it." - Me.


Shawn's Single came out earlier, ITS AMAZING!. btw it's
5:08am and I still haven't slept. YAY. Love you!❤️ ~Lizzie

twitter: @Thotxdallas

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