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Anna's POV

I woke up alone. but not in my bed. I got up and opened the door to realize it was just cams house. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, he was cooking. I tip toed up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and whispered "guess who" then pecking his neck. "hmm. let me think?" he said while turning around then crashing his lips against mine. "you should probably get changed so mom doesn't ask any questions" he laughed. then I noticed I was in cams T-shirt and my underwear. I guess I got a little hot last night. plus Cameron's mom had always shipped us. and was always finding a way to embarrass him. I went up stairs and put on my sweatpants and my sweatshirt then headed back down.

Cams POV

When she went upstairs to change I finished up the Nutella pancakes and placed them on the table. I got her a cup of silk milk (lactose milk because she is allergic) and me some normal milk. this was her favorite meal. She came down the stairs with her hair in perfect natural waves. She giggled and said "I haven't eaten this since I left for New York! it's perfect!! and the milk! you remembered!!" she kissed me on the cheek and say down. "your the perfect girl so you deserve a perfect meal, so I tryed my best!" I said while laughing at the end. I haven't made it since she left because last time I had it I was with her and we had breakfast before her flight.

*ring ring*

"I'll be right back."

Anna's POV
Cams phone just rang it sounded important.... Cameron has been doing this Vine and YouTube thing for a while now and he is pretty well known! these people made a group of guys that are famous on these social medias and they tour around America. they are looking for one more guy and I'm nervous cam might get it. I don't want him to leave but I want him to have this experience....

"hello this is cameron Dallas?"
"that will be great! thank you! I'll call you this week with my final answer."
"alright! have a nice day!"

I'm curious now.!

Cams POV

Magcon just called me and asked if I wanted to join!!! I'm so happy but I don't want to leave Anna. I have to have my answer in 5 days of course I want to but I don't want to leave her.
maybe she will come with? I hope.

Anna= A
Cam= C

C- Anna? you've heard of magcon right?

A- of course?!?!

C- would it be okay if we went?

A- we? who is we?

C- me, you?

A- YESSSS! I'll ask my dad tonight!

she hugged me and we ate the. she went home. I hope her dad says yes!!

Anna's POV

WOW! i hope I can go! we will have the best time!!! I got home and went over to my dad (Andrew). my mom died when I was in 5th grade of breast cancer so it's just me and him.

"dad, would you consider letting me go to magcon with cameron?"

"Anna. you know how I feel about you leaving with boys!"

"but dad. he is different. he is kind and protective..." I was cut off by my father slapping me. I ran to my room and locked it then relized he was drunk. I texted cam.

to Cammy💕- he is coming hurry help bring your car!

then I heard him coming up the stairs and I backed into the corner by my window.


My mother was in a severe car wreck. She broke her spine and a few other bones yet the spine was the most fatal. She was paralyzed chest down and when she recovered from the wreck my father went out with his friends. When he came home he was drunk, he had started drinking when my mom was in the hospital. He walked upstairs to my mom and picked her up from the wheel chair she was in. He dropped her and she tried to crawl to the nearest phone, he came up to her and was swearing and yelling at her. Then I watched my mom be kicked and fall down the stairs as my dad ran out of the house. I watched from my doorway then sprinted out and grabbed the phone and dialed 911. When we got to the hospital that's when I saw Cameron. His grandpa was suffering from cancer. We talked for a few hours about eachother to keep our mind off things and then I heard the machine line go dead. She was dead. My mother was dead.


After her death my dad became an all time achoholic, he told the police that she fell not that he murdered her and then started to abuse me.But Cameron from then on always came to save me.



cliff hanger!💕😏 don't hate me! but will he let her go to magcon or not? will cam come in time? byee sugarplums!❤️


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