chapter 2: awkward...

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Anna's POV

Me and Cam have ZERO classes. ugh.
The day went by so slow.! But I'm going to cams house in ten mins! I'm sooo happy! we are probably gonna just lay around and watch movies and play games so I put on some gray sweatpants from pink with Nike pros under them and a purple tank top with a black soccer sweatshirt. I walked over since he lives 3 houses down.
I texted him

to Cammy💕- on my way.✌️

from Cammy💕- come on in when you get here. I've got a surprise!

Mysterious Cam. I like it!

Cams POV-

She loves to sit and watch movies so I decided to rent her favorite. The Notebook. She told me she was on her way so I made popcorn and dimmed all the lights and put in the movie so when she comes it will be all set.
She walked in and ran over and hugged me and then we sat on the couch and it started playing. 30 minutes in she got up and went to get a drink. when she came back she asked if I wanted to play truth or dare. we have always been like friends with benifits but I still get happy when I choose dare because I know something is gonna happen. (we are still both virgins though so we don't get to far)

Anna's POV-

He set this all up for me and It makes me fall for him even harder. Around half way through the movie we started playing truth or dare. this is gonna be fun.!

"cam truth or dare?" I say with a suductive look.

"dare" he said. I could tell he wanted me to dare him to kiss me as usual. but tonight I'm gonna play hard to get.

"I dare you to.... hmmm. drink the pickle juice from the pickle jar!" I laughed I could tell he was suprised

he came over and pinned me to the floor with his muscular arms and tickled me.

"I'll get you back Anna!" he said. man I wanted to kiss him right then! he got up and drank it while I took a vine of him off his phone. he came back and sat closer to me then before.

"Anna truth or dare?" he said

" truth " I said.

"who do you like?" he said with a smirk and I just froze.

"well he is really cute and is my best friend but it can't ruin anything. and he probably doesn't even like me back." I said while blushing.. hard.

" he may actually like you back." he said while pecking my cheek. and right then I knew what the next dare was.

"truth or DARE" I asked

"hmmm... dare of course!" he said

" kiss me " I said and took one breath before he picked me up and pushed me against the wall as my legs straddle him. it was an intense make out not just a kiss. oops!

after about 5 minutes we stopped and he said

"I really hope I'm that guy you were talking about"

"you were" I said while pecking his lips.

then there was a massive shake of the whole house. the plates came crashing out of the cabinets. then it stopped after a few minutes. we just had a earth quake.

"stay over. I doubt there will be school." he said

"anytime bæ." I said trying to regain my breath from the kissing and the screaming.

"one more thing?" he said


"be mine."


we kissed and changed we climbed in his bed and he draped his arms around my waist the pulled me close and said

"glad to have my best friend back. goodnight beautiful" as he kissed my neck and we drifted off.

Follow me on twitter: @Thotxdallas

are you glad they are together.? well it gets more interesting next chapter! byeee sugarplums!


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