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Cameron's POV

Anna and I are headed to the airport to go back home. We have 2 weeks in between Magcon events. Im glad we have a break because I need to see my mom and my bed because it is so much better then hotel beds. I don't think Anna is happy though, I don't blame her. Her dad has been abusing her for years now I wouldn't want to see him either. That's why I just want her to stay with me.

To Momma❤️: Can Anna stay with us?

From Momma❤️: while you were gone I changed the guest room into an office. I'm sorry.

To Momma❤️: She Can stay in my room I'll sleep on the couch. She can not go home.

From Momma❤️: Sure, but no babies or your gonna die okay?

To Momma❤️: Of course LOVE YOU!


"Anna? do you want to stay at my house, with me?" I asked

"you don't have to." she exclaimed looking down at her hands.

"Please. Stay with me." I Said

"I guess. I just don't want to see him. yet he is all i have left" she told me tearing up

"You've got me." i said while wiping the tears off her face then pulling her into a hug.


We got up and got onto the plane.

She put her head on my shoulder, and soon enough we were both asleep.


sorry I haven't updated lately I was very busy. but I'm back now. YAY! sorry for the short chapter as well. but i have over 230 reads!!! how?! I love you sugarplums. GOODBYE❤️


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