Chapter 18

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Anna's POV

We got to Cameron's House and he walked right in, I followed behind. His house is gorgeous! It so big yet cozy at the same time! I just feel at home here.

"aww it feels like I haven't seen you in ages!!" Momma Dallas said as Cam opened his arms and she ran toward me and gave me a hug.

"mommy, I missed you too." cam said while fake crying. which brought me into a laughing fit.

"oh baby I'm sorry I missed you Cammie!" Momma Dallas said while hugging him.

"now I have to go to a meeting I'll be back late because it's a couple hours away. I'm sorry I has to leave so soon but I'll be here when you get up! love you two! no party's!!" momma Dallas said while walking out the door.

"Cammie, can we do something, I don't want to think about him." I told him.

"I'm the only guy I want you to be thinking about right now." Cam said as he leaned down and pecked my lips then started to trail down my neck with little kisses. When he reached my sweet spot he sprinted up the stairs and ran to his room.

"TEASE!" I screamed as I ran up the stairs.

I made it to his room but the door was locked so I started beating on it telling him to open it. After a minute or so he opened it. He had changed into some basketball shorts. he was shirtless...Damn.
I ran up to him and kissed him while running my hand down his abs. When I reached his pants line I grabbed them and whispered in his ear.

"don't tease me" then I let go and it snapped his stomach.

I ran to his window and shut the curtains and when I turned around he was laying on the bed... my side.
I got onto the bed and sat on his stomach. I put one leg on each side of his stomach and I made circles with my finger on his chest then leaned down and whispered

"your on my side Cammy"

"what's the magic word"

"move..... PLEASEEEEE"

he rolled over to where he was on his stomach and I noticed he had a scar on his back.

"where did you get that from?" I asked

"Well you can't laugh but when I was about 5 I was trying to build a tree house by my self and I was up in the tree tieing a rope and I slipped and I got a really big splinter that was so bad I had to get it cut out" he said

"poor cam! you've always been clumsy!" I told him

"haha very funny! I think you came to visit me in the hospital afterward?" he said

"OH YEAH! because I brought you a bear!" I told him as he got up and went to his closet. he came out and had something behind his back.

" This one?" he said


sorry I haven't updated. I'm at the beach. but 245 reads!!! that's great!!! Love you all! ~Lizzie

twitter- @Thotxdallas

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