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Erinne, pronounce it like Aaron.


Nash's POV

We are sitting at the hospital waiting to see what the 411 on Taylor and Lizzie is. I'm stressed out because me and Taylor are pretty close and I don't want anything to happen to him or Lizzie even though I just met her last night. Cameron and Anna are at the hotel I think. I really don't know, but I'm sitting next to Erinne. My girlfriend of almost 3 years. I love her so much. We heard Taylor scream and Bart came running into his room. After about 3mins he came out told us "Taylor only screamed cause he noticed his left arm was swollen when his pain medication wore off. He seemed to has broke his arm. and Lizzie is in a coma..." Madison, Erinne, and the rest of the girls started crying. Erinne curled up next to me, I just hugged her because everything will be alright.


Lizzie's POV

I woke up in the hospital and stood up, I turned around and saw my body laying there hooked up to a bunch of machines. I screamed but no body heard me, so I ran over to then front desk and it was like the desk worker didn't even see me. I guess something bad really did happen to me. Then a came in and was saying how he was sorry for what had happened and he said I was in a coma. OMG I WAS IN A COMA! I could tell this boy was hurting. He was very cute, as he was talking I put my hand on his should and he seemed to pause a little and relax. I think he felt me. I don't like people not being able to hear what I'm saying it scares me.


My friend Lyndsey came I later with a man. I've known Lyndsey since I was in elementary school. She cried. the whole time... I just put my hand on her shoulder and she calmed down a little. she was here all night long. but I don't know how to wake up from a coma or else I would. Because I really want to talk to the cute boy that came in earlier.


3rd person

Taylor is being released today and Lizzie is estimated to wake up in the next few days.


Cameron and Anna heard about what they missed and then Bart chewed them out.


Lyndsey and Lizzie's parents plan on being with Lizzie till she is all better.


All Taylor is worried about is Lizzie. He plans on checking on her at 8am, noon, and 5pm every day untill she gets better.
Today he has a great feeling about today.


Taylor's POV

I'm walking into Lizzie's room, Lyndsey and Lizzie's parents went to eat lunch and I stayed with her. I grabbed her hand and watched orange is the new black. right when is ended her fingers twitched, then fully moved! I looked up and her eyes fluttered open, and she asked a question that I really didn't want to hear.


Authors Note:

LIZZIE IS AWAKE YAAYYYY! I love you guys. You should tell your friends to read this fanfic and to follow me on twitter (@Thotxdallas )

~ lizzie💕

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