Chapter 29

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Anna's POV

I still can't believe Me and Cam broke up. I thought he was the one. But Taylor is staying with me and Nash because His roommates are mad at him and Nash is comforting Cam. I need Cam to comfort me now. I feel like I'm dieing inside. After the incident I left the restaurant and I've been laying in my bed just listening to music and pretty much crying my eyes out. I don't know what time it is but I'm sleeping I can't handle this right now. I'm hoping by sleeping it will be okay.

"Are you okay?" Taylor said with regret in his voice.
Well of course I'm not but I don't want to talk about it so I'm just gonna bypass the conversation.

"ya I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. Goodnight Taylor." I said as I rolled over and got under the covers.

"I've liked you since you came to magcon. I just realized it when I taught you how to slow dance." Taylor said faintly. oh god. I can't even right now.
i just acted like I didn't hear it and I drifted off into sleep.

Taylor's POV

Anna has been asleep for about 3hrs now and I'm still wide awake. I just ruined the perfect relationship. I ruined mine and cams friendship all because I love his girlfriend. well now his ex. I regret it. I regret it all. I shouldn't have kissed her. I need to tell cam it was me. I kissed her she was forced. I forced her.

"CAMERON HELP. HE IS HERE!" Anna screamed

"CAM? AHHHHHHHHH" She yelled. I thought she was alseep. She is having a nightmare. Shit!

"Anna wake up!" I said shaking her.

"Anna come on" I said as I realized she said Cameron not me. She at up and started bawling.

"I have to go talk to Cam! I'm sorry" she said as she walked out of the room still crying.

Anna's POV

I just had a dream about my father. He was beating me yet this time Cam didn't come to help. He kept beating me till Taylor woke me up. Now I'm walking up to hayes' door. I knocked and Hayes opened it.

"excuse me." I said brushing past him as Cam sat up. He is still awake at 4am? He has been crying. I just notice I'm bawling. I ran up to him.

"I needed you and you didn't come. it was my fault you didn't come I'm s..." I was cut off by Cam.

"What are you talking about" he said and tears were brimming in his eyes. I could tell he was hurting. I hurt him.

"I had a dream about my father he was beating me and I kept screaming for you but you never came and now I know why. I hurt you. I'm sorry. Taylor kissed me and I he forced me onto the wall. I'm sorry Cameron." I said. as the tears dropped on his hand that was now on mine.

"Please give me time. or maybe it would be best if we started over." He said. I'm still crying damn. I'm weak.

"Okay" I nodded. He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't come." he whispered onto my forehead. Then he kissed it. I missed this.

"but now we are starting over" he said. "Hey my name is Cameron!" he smiled and put out his hand.

"Hi my name is Anna." I said and he smiled.

"Well goodnight Anna. I'll see you when you get home because I'm leaving in the morning." He said and my smile faded. I whipped the tears from my face and looked beside him at the side table. There was a little black box looked like it could hold a ring. I picked it up and looked at him.

"What is this?" I said. and he turned pale.


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