magcon day-1

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Taylor's POV

I got up and saw cam and Anna cuddling in their sleep. I grabbed the blanket and said I'm gonna count to three and you guys will need to big up. "one." I said as I tugged on cams foot. "two" I said while grabbing anna toe and she flinched and jumped out of the bed. "THREE" I said this time while yanking the blankets from cam and he jumped out of bed and picked me up and threw me on the bed. Anna said "you love birds keep your pants on while I shower please." while giggling. i admit cam was a mighty fine guy but I'm pretty sure all I like is girls.😂

Cams POV

When Anna said that I slid off Taylor since I was pinning him down. when I got up and was walking to my bag Taylor pushed me on the bed and said "you aren't that slick." while smirking. and right then i just couldn't take it. he made me feel like Anna did. this can't be happening I'm certainly straight and right then he kissed me and got off of my abdomen and I blacked out and all I heard was "cam we need to get up!" "come on babe" "CAMMY" I sat up and noticed Taylor was asleep and I was sweating and Anna was looking at my lower body. I looked down and noticed I had a boner. wow. thanks Taylor. WAIT TAYLOR. IM STRAIGHT! UGH! right then Anna didn't ask why or what she just kissed my neck and whispered i love you into it. I got up showered and grabbed Anna's hand cause she was ready and we walked down to the room magcon was being held in.

Taylor's POV

I woke up and saw it was 7:57 I speed showered and blow dried/straightened my hair. I put a bandana on and ran downstairs it was 8:08 when I got there so I was just a little late. 30mins later girls piled in for VIP and we signed autograph and took pictures. after an hour or two we got on stage and preformed. Shawn sang and Jacob, jack and jack did too. they were all so good. we are gonna go eat tonight as a new family and get to know each other so I went to get ready. I re-straightened some parts of my hair and layed on my bed.

Anna's POV

magcon was fun but I just stood backstage and talked to Bart. we were going out to eat so after the event was over I ran up to my room to get ready and Taylor suprisingly beat me there I may have stopped for Starbucks in the lobby... he was laying on his bed on his phone. I grabbed my brush and ran it through my hair. and re-straightened a few pieces of my hair with Taylor's cause it was already plugged up because he forgot to unplug it. I was almost done when I burnt myself and I screamed!! I unplugged the straightener, me and Taylor ran into the bathroom he put me on the counter put my hand under cold water then put this jell on it. after around 3minutes he wiped it off with a rag and it lost the pain. I hugged Taylor and cam came rushing in....

comment names for the girlfriends.
I'm going to see shawn mendes in concert and I'm so excited!!!😋


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