Chapter 24

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Anna's POV

Mahogany and Jacob!!!! I've shipped them forever!! I left them to be because they are so cute! My phone went off and I saw cam was calling me.

"hey babe!" I said "cam?" all I could here was his breathing.

"Cameron are you okay? Where are you?" I said and I felt hands grab my hips and then pull me back where I could feel a body on mine. Then I started feeling kisses on my neck.

"Cam" I said sorta moaning, oops! I turned around to see it wasn't Cam it was nash with Cams phone.

"NASHHHHHH" I screamed, god I'mma kill a bitch.

"WTF WHY DID YOU DO THAT WHERE IS CAM!" I said still screaming

"he is in the bathroom and I understand if you tell him." nash said. just then cam came out.

"tell me what?" cam said

"walk with me" I said as I pulled my hair over my shoulder trying to hide the hicky Nash had just created.

•••after the walk•••

Cams POV

I could fight Nash right now but I'm not. I understand why he'd do it I mean she is gorgeous but he knew my plan for engagement. He is out with the whole group getting food other than me and Anna. We are laying on the bed watching some boring show.

"have you ever thought about the future. like who you'd marry?" she asked. OH SHIT!

"yea, all the time why?" I said still shocked. what if she doesn't want to marry me! ugh

"I could see us growing old together." she said. now I was relieved.

"me too." I said cheerfully, grinning like a crazy person.

"mom said 'there was no age set for marriage. when you find the right person make them yours.' she told me that a few days before she died." Anna said. her mom died from cancer. Now I know Anna won't say no. YAYYY

"That's beautiful" I said bringing her into a hug. she is still very sensitive about her mothers death. Carter texted me:

Nash is staying with us for the night so there won't be so much tension. but remember to use protection Cammy I don't want no baby daddy's here!

I laughed from what Carter sent and I showed Anna. I'm kinda glad he isn't here so it wouldn't be categorized as PDA when me and Anna kiss. Or make out like what I can tell will happen next by her eyes. I looked down at her eyes and then her lips, next our lips collided and it was a intense makeout session. Untill there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see a scared speechless Shawn.


Sorry for the short chapter but 370+ reads!!! OMG!! start commenting please!!

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