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Taylor's POV

I woke up and suddenly felt shoot up through my arm. I look up and 2 nurses stood on each side of me, one fixing the IV I had just noticed in my arm. While the other woman was writing on a clipboard. The memories of the event came rushing in to my brain, the last thing I remember was hearing sirens the I blacked out. I don't know what time is it or better yet where is Lizzie.

"how long have I been here?" I asked the nurses. "an couple hours. You passed out after the accident but you should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. For now you need rest" one of the nurses said while exiting my room. "where is Lizzie" i said while cringing at the thought of her being hurt. "Oh. she hasn't woken up yet, she is in a coma and we don't know when she will wake up just yet. Room 243 if you want to see her later. but for now get some sleep she is in good hands." she said as she left me alone in my hospital room.

Lizzie was very sweet from the time I had spent with her. She had a good sense of humor and was gorgeous. I may even like her but it was my fault we are in here, I should have been paying more attention to the road. All I want to do right now is see her and tell her I'm sorry.

*2hours later*

I guess the medication I'm on makes me drowsy but since I have rested I think I will go see Lizzie.

3rd POV

Taylor got up out of the bed and hobbled down the hall, still sore from the wreck. He reached Lizzie's door and walked in. He saw her laying there so peacefully, her chest moving up and down make Taylor feel a little better. He sat down in the seat next to her bed and grabbed her hand and told her he was sorry for causing this. Knowing she could be out having fun right now if it wasn't for him. Right after he finished his apologies he squeezed her hand a little bit and told her one last thing before leaving, "Stay strong in there, don't let go because I have a suprise when you get back" he was going to tell her how he felt. He kissed her forehead and with that he left.

Bart's POV

No one has seen Lizzie and Taylor since the trampoline place last night and I was worried sick. we all sat in the lobby of our hotel and watched the news while blowing up their phones. When suddenly we all heard something we didn't want to hear, all of us looked up and gasped.

News Reporter- "2 teens injured in a severe wreck last night. 1 is in a coma and 1 with a few broken bones. The driver of the semi that crashed into them was drunk. He is now in custody at a local jail...."

"Guys let's go to the hospital now!" I demanded as they all stood up and went to the cars.
When we got there me, Lyndsey, and Dillon went to their rooms as the rest stayed in the waiting area. Dillon went to Taylor's and me and Lyndsey went to Lizzie's. From what I saw she was in a deep stage of a coma, apperently her air bag didn't deploy so it was more severe for her. I called her parents and they are on their way. But then I heard Taylor scream.

Authors Note

My friend is very excited about this book. But I don't know if I like it. Shall I keep writing??😏

Love you guys! Keep reading!❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️

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