9 - A Kiss 💋

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# Areena's POV
# Date - January 04, 2017


I was too shocked to process anything. Lost in my thoughts, I took a couple of steps back and accidentally knocked over a vase on the side table. It shattered into pieces, much like how I felt at that moment.

The commotion caught the attention of the couple, finally making them notice my presence. Amidst the chaos, a harsh voice snapped me back to reality.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here? Don't you know how to knock?" the girl demanded, her words falling on deaf ears as I shifted my gaze to the person I loved and trusted-Abid.

But there he stood, devoid of any emotion on his face. No guilt, no shock-nothing. It was then that I realized he had never truly loved me. Everything he portrayed was a facade, a charade of false emotions. The realization stung, igniting a torrent of tears.

"Come on, Areena, you have to be strong. You can't let this affect you," I muttered to myself, attempting to find inner strength amidst the turmoil. But my mind refused to cooperate, overwhelmed by emotion.

Closing my eyes for a moment, memories of every moment spent with Abid flooded my mind like a relentless tide. From our initial conversations to our meetings, dates, and his recent cold behavior-each memory was a painful reminder of what once was.

As I opened my eyes, I found the blonde girl standing before me, hurling insults. Yet, Abid's expression remained unchanged, further fueling my anger.

That's it. Enough is enough.

Without hesitation, I seized her hand, pulled her out of the room, and slammed the door shut, silencing her abrasive words. Turning back to Abid, I confronted him with a steely resolve.

"What do you want?" I demanded, my voice firm and unwavering. But he remained silent, nonchalantly reaching for a cigar from the drawer and lighting it.

His indifference ignited a fiery rage within me. "You moron! Who do you think you are?" I seethed, snatching the clutch from his hand, tearing it in two, and crushing it beneath my sandals.

He smiled. What the hell was he smiling for? I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I stood there silently, my mind a whirlwind of confusion.

What did he want? I had no idea. But what I wanted was the reason I was still there.

Because you want answers...

My inner voice enlightened me. Yes, I wanted my answers!

I pointed a finger at his chest and shouted, "Why are you doing this to me? You know I don't trust anyone easily, except YOU."

My emotions overwhelmed me, making it hard to form words. To my surprise, his smirk widened, and with that, I gave up. Tears streamed down my face as I turned and walked toward the door. The intense feelings I had moments ago began to fade, leaving me hollow and alone. I had never felt this way before, and it was all because of Abid. I couldn't defeat him, no matter how much I wanted to. I wasn't stronger than him, and somehow he was still the first person I loved-and still loved. But from then on, I would never see him again, no matter how much I wanted to. I would never hear his voice again.

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