19 - Confusion 😵

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🙋🏻 -  Abid's POV
🗓️ - October 29, 2022


After that meeting, I didn't have another opportunity to see her. The last time we spoke, her words struck a chord deep within me. "Listen, Abid. We can’t change the past. Let’s focus on this project and this partnership. Let's take both companies to new heights together." Those words stung, leaving a lingering ache in my heart. While I can't say she was wrong, her statement left me unsettled, unable to shake off this inexplicable feeling of hurt.

'Because you want to hear something else from her,' my inner voice chimed in, mocking me as usual. I braced myself for its unwelcome wisdom. 'I'm just stating the truth. And the truth often tastes bitter,' it retorted, a bitter reminder of my inner conflict. So many questions raced through my mind, leaving me bewildered and frustrated.

At the party where we learned of our companies' collaboration, I made a silent vow to myself. This time, I swore, I wouldn't fall into her trap. Yet, upon meeting her again, her innocence thawed the ice around my heart. Despite my determination, I found myself lost in uncertainty. This unfamiliar emotion gnawed at me, leaving me restless and irritable.

'I have a solution,' my inner voice interjected once more, ever persisted. 'No, I don't want your simplistic solutions,' I snapped back, growing increasingly agitated. 'Go and just meet her. It's that simple,' it persisted. My heart raced at the mere thought of seeing her again, betraying my resolve.

'You're starting to look like a lovesick teenager,' my inner voice teased, eliciting a frustrated sigh from me. For the past week, I'd been wrestling with myself, trying to resist the urge to see her. But the battle within me was taking its toll.

Examining my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I realized I looked like a disheveled mess, resembling a drunken Devdas. I couldn't even focus on my work, consumed by thoughts of her. 'What have you done to me, Areena?' I lamented internally, seeking answers that seemed to evade me.

'It's called love,' my inner voice chimed in once more, earning a sharp retort from me. 'Just shut up,' I muttered, desperate to silence its persistent meddling. 'Oh, come on. I'm just trying to help,' it persisted, but I'd had enough. 'Enough,' I declared, determined to drown out its intrusive commentary.


🙋🏻‍♀️ - Areena's POV
🗓️ - October 29, 2022


"Ya Allah... please have mercy on every living being and forgive us for our sins. Protect my family from harm, bless us, and grant me relief from Abid's thoughts. Keep him away from me, Ameen." I rose from my prayer mat, folding it gently. It was Fajr (morning prayer) time, and I pleaded with Allah for respite from Abid and his relentless presence in my mind. For the past week, his thoughts consumed me like an unwelcome storm, leaving me bewildered and frustrated.

Determined to distance myself from him and his bewildering actions, I sought solace in prayer. I implored my God for assistance in navigating this confusing situation. Stepping onto the veranda, I welcomed the cool, fresh breeze, hoping it would soothe my troubled mind. Mornings held a quiet serenity that offered a brief reprieve from the chaos within.

However, my moment of peace was interrupted by the shrill ring of my phone, piercing the tranquil morning air. Who could be calling at this ungodly hour? With a sigh, I reached for my phone, noting the caller ID displayed as 'Unknown Number.' Tentatively, I answered the call, unsure of what to expect.

"Hello?" I greeted cautiously, but there was no immediate response from the other end. "Hello?" I tried again, growing increasingly perplexed by the silence.

"Assalamualaikum, Areena," a familiar voice finally spoke, sending a jolt through me. Abid. It was him.

"Walaikum Salam," I replied, my heart quickening its pace at the sound of his voice.

"It's me, Abid. I apologize for disturbing you at this early hour," he continued, his tone surprisingly gentle. Abid, apologizing? This was unprecedented.

"Hello... Areena...!!" he prompted, but I found myself momentarily speechless, grappling with the surrealness of the situation. Was this truly happening?

"Ya... It...s o..kh... Anything Important sir.." I stammered, struggling to compose myself. Why was I suddenly so tongue-tied?

"Please don't be so formal. Actually... I am leaving for Dubai tomorrow. So will you please come for a meeting today, as I have some new ideas to share and we can finalize the design," Abid explained, catching me off guard once again.

I had to pinch myself. Abid, requesting my presence and expressing his need for my input? It seemed too good to be true.

"Aaahhh.." I managed, my mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

"Are you okay... Areena?" Abid's concern was evident, but I was lost in my own thoughts, struggling to comprehend the situation.

"Areena... Are you listening...!!" he prompted again, snapping me out of my daze. I needed to focus.

"Ya.. I am sorry... please Pardon," I apologized, feeling foolish for my momentary lapse in concentration.

"I am saying that I am leaving for Dubai tomorrow. So can you please come for a meeting today as I have some good ideas to share, and we will finalize the design also," Abid reiterated, his words sinking in slowly.

He was leaving for Dubai? The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, weighing heavily on my heart. As business partners, his sudden departure felt like a seismic shift, leaving me unsettled and unsure.

"Areeena....!!" Abid's voice brought me back to the present, urging me to respond.

"Ya.. Sure, why not," I replied, masking the turmoil brewing within me.

"Great, 11 am at my office," Abid confirmed before ending the call, leaving me to grapple with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

As the call disconnected, a sense of heaviness settled over me. Allah had answered my prayers, but at what cost? I felt like a burden had been placed upon me, grappling with the weight of Abid's departure.

Placing my phone on charge, I made my way to the bathroom for a shower, hoping the water would wash away the uncertainty clouding my mind.


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