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Areena's pov

When I woke up again, I found myself in a very different surrounding. There is very foul smell in the room with absolutely no lights.

I have darkness phobia. So my heart beats instantly rise and I have shortage of breath. I close my eyes shut to recites various ayats that Abid told me to recite when I  face any situation like this. Soon, my heart beat began to normal and  I open my eyes again. My hand are tied behind my back and my legs are also tied up.

I don't know the main purpose of the kidnaper. May be he was taking revenge on Abid by me. I really hate this situation, because of me Abid have to accept whatever He or they demands.
Because I know I am his weakness. He will do anything to get me back safe and sound.

'Ya Allah please help!!'

After a while, I heard footsteps and the door open. I look at him but his face is covered with a mask. He opened the door wide and let the lights comes in.

He then make his way towards me and sit on the floor in front of me and just stare at me.

His eyes are of blue color. Due to his continuous staring I suddenly felt self conscious. I remove my eyes from him and look towards the gate try to know about the surrounding.

I don't say anything although, my mouth is not tied up. I am not that types of girls who are going to beg him to release me. Because I know he is not going to do what I say, right. So better, I seal my mouth.

"You know.. thats why I like you, babydoll??"

Babydoll... Whose your babydoll??

I roll my eyes and look up at him.
As he know what I am thinking, he said,

"You don't like your name, babydoll??"

Okh... He is crossing his limits. But then I thought it thoroughly and understand that he is provoking me. But I refuse to do so. So again I remove my eyes from his covered face.

I don't how much time have passed but the shines of the light are telling that its early morning.

Suddenly, I feel fingers cares my cheeks, I instantly pull back myself.

How dare he touch me?? Just untied me and then I will show you, who I actually am.

I glare at him angrily. He chuckles at my reaction.

"Don't make these faces, you are turning me on!! And I don't want our first time be like this."

He said shamelessly. I can't control my anger this time and kick him on his stomach hard with my tied legs.

He stumble and cough lightly, which gives me immense pleasure. I am still glaring at him as he comes too close to me and pull my hair, his nose touches my nose. I shake my head but he only harden his grip on my hair. He pulled my hair more making my neck stretch. His lips directly land on my collerbone as he sucks it.

For a moment, I don't even understand what is happening, when his other hand touches my arm, I instantly react and push myself behind giving him another hard kick.

He stumbled, I make a far distance from him.

My heart beats are running marathon due to fear. Fear of breaking Abid's trust. Fear of losing my purity.

I make my knees folded in front of me. Tears dripped from my eyes. I hate crying in front of anyone, but right now I am unable to control my tears.

"Don't cry, babydoll. Its just a neck kiss. I don't even touch you properly. You never reacted this way with Abid, so why me??"

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