18 - Partnership 🤝

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🙋🏻‍♀️- Areena's POV
🗓️ - October 21, 2022


I glanced at the clock again. It read 2:15 AM, only five minutes since I last checked it. Why couldn't I just sleep properly? All I could think about was him and the way he behaved today.

Who the hell does he think he is?

I tossed and turned, my thoughts racing. What I wear is my choice. My parents never dictated my wardrobe. How dare he?

The events of the evening replayed in my mind, each detail adding fuel to the fire of my anger. Abid's overbearing behavior, his possessiveness, and the audacity to tell me what I should and shouldn't wear. My hands clenched the sheets in frustration. He hadn't changed one bit, still trying to control everything around him.

I remembered the look in his eyes when he saw me tonight. There was something more than anger—something deeper, more unsettling. It was as if he believed he still had some claim over me. But those days were long gone. 

Frustration boiled within me, unable to forget his possessive nature. I’d heard about the fight he had at the party, and my mind wandered back to a time when his possessiveness took a frightening turn.


🗓️ - August 22, 2016
📍- Cocktail Lounge


I was sitting in room 4 of the Cocktail Lounge, Abid’s favorite place, which had also become mine. Cozy and warm, it was the perfect spot to unwind. Abid had gone upstairs to meet his best friend, John. I stretched out on the couch, closed my eyes, and soaked in the comfort.

Minutes later, the door opened. I thought it was Abid, but the unfamiliar scent of cologne made me open my eyes. A stranger with striking blue eyes stood there, staring at me, making me uneasy.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice tinged with annoyance.

He said nothing, just kept staring. "What do you want, Mister?"

"You," he replied shamelessly, leaning slightly towards me.

I stood up instantly, glaring at him. "Keep your distance, Mister, and get lost. We’ve booked this room."

His demeanor changed, and he rubbed his neck sheepishly. "No, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry. I just forgot my phone here."

He retrieved his phone and walked to the door, turning back with a smile. "By the way, you’re very beautiful. I’ve never seen someone look so innocent while sleeping. I’m sorry."

His expression shifted as when he turned  and saw Abid’s angry face behind him. Abid approached, fury radiating off him. "Get lost, now," he growled through gritted teeth.

The intruder flinched and quickly left. Abid closed the door, his anger palpable. I didn’t know how to calm him down. He sat on the couch, fists clenched, refusing to meet my eyes. I moved closer, placing a hand on his arm, only for him to punch the wall with such force that it shattered. Blood oozed from his knuckles.

I knelt in front of him, wrapping his hand in my dupatta, trying to soothe him. I stroked his cheek, his body relaxing under my touch. Finally, he looked into my eyes, and I saw not just anger, but obsession.

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