30 - Happiness Powder 😆✨

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# Areena's POV
# Date - November 04, 2022


I was sitting like a baby in the car, feeling utterly bored. I tried to turn up the radio, but it wasn't working. Maybe if the car was damaged, the radio wouldn't work either. Honestly, I didn't know much about cars.

Abid had told me he would come back as soon as possible. Only five minutes had passed, but it felt like decades. Suddenly, my stomach growled. Oh, I couldn't eat my favorite pancakes properly with Abid by my side. A smile crept onto my lips thinking about him. He had behaved so weirdly today. I really thought he was bipolar because he switched moods so easily. Maybe he was, or maybe not.

But the worried expression on his face when he saw my injured head was priceless. He still cared for me, and the warmth I felt inside melted all my pain away. And when he laughed after I told him I wasn’t making him a mummy again, his laughter was melodic. I couldn't help myself; my heart skipped so many beats at a time.


"You are going to pay for this, Beautiful," Abid said as he ran behind me. We were on the outskirts of Mumbai, and it felt like the start of a Bollywood chase scene. Earlier, a police officer had stopped us and started his interrogation. Abid, in his superhero mode, was about to declare that we were in a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship, but I beat him to it and told the officer that we were brother and sister heading to our maternal parents' house. The look Abid gave me at that moment screamed, "You're dead meat." As soon as the car stopped, I freed myself from the seatbelt and bolted.

"Stop there, Areena. It's dangerous," I heard Abid shout, but it was too late. My leg slipped, and I rolled down the lane, hitting thorny branches like I was auditioning for a stunt double role. Abid sprinted towards me. I managed to sit up, scratches covering my hands, and my dress torn around the shoulder from the thorns. I tried to stand but failed spectacularly. Abid caught me before I fell again and picked me up in a bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me back to the car and gently placed me in the backseat. He took out a first aid kit that looked like it belonged to a traveling hospital. It had everything from various bandages to all types of ointments. He applied an ointment to my foot and bandaged it. I was a little shocked at how skilled he was at this.

"How do you know this kind of stuff?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful despite the thorns poking me.

"I often do it for my sister," he explained, but his tone warned me that he was still angry.

"Wow, you are a wonderful brother too."

He didn't say anything. After he finished, he said, "I am just coming in a minute." Before I could ask where he was going, he left.

It was almost 15 minutes, but Abid still hadn't shown up. I wondered where he had gone. When my patience ran out, I opened the car door and tried to get out. As soon as my leg touched the ground, a sharp pain engulfed it, and before I could fall again, Abid's strong arms caught me.

"Planning to run again?" he asked sarcastically. Dude, he was still very angry. He made me sit in the car again and got in, closing the door shut.

"Here are some snacks. Eat them, and then I'll give you a painkiller so that before we reach home, you can probably walk," he said, looking straight ahead and passing the snacks into my lap. I touched his arm.

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