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Abid's Pov-

I start my search again as I found her anklets. She loves to wear anklets.

I make my way more inside, I heard some rushing sound. I slowly approach it. Then I heard someone muffled sounds, I quickly reach there, but found no one.

But it make my doubt clear that she is here.

I search the more dense part of the forest. Meanwhile I also contact the police and tell them to track me and come here.

Its been a while but I still can't find anything or anyone. I take a turn to go back to search the other direction but found the small cottage. Its covered with big trees all over, its impossible to see it from the front.

She is here.

My heart says that she is here. I slowly approach the small cottage in case I catch their attention before I reached there. But to my surprise there is no one.

I mean there is no guards. I slowly make my way inside, there a long halfway separate by two rooms. The room is empty, I make my way towards the second.

In each step my heart beat began to rose up, so many things are running inside my head. But the most dreadful is,

What if she is not inside??

I thought the door was going to be locked or something but its not. When I opened it, a very foul smell hit my nostrils. But the thing that boil my anger was the scene in front of me.

I heard him saying,

"Babydoll, get up!!"

As he patted her. He is sitting beside her. She is in the most horrible state I ever scene. After seeing her, I only saw red.

I pick him up by his collar and landed my first punch on his face. He mis balanced and drop on the floor. I remove my jacket and cover her body. I cares her cheek,

I am really sorry, beautiful!!

Then I turned to get the biggest shock of my life, there he was standing, blood ozing out from his lips.


First my brain become blank, then all the things that happen with me or Areena played in my mind, and then the only thought that came in my mind was to kill him.

Right here, right now!!

I kick him on his stomach, make him fall on the ground. Then I pick him up by his hair and punch him on his face again and again. I beat the shit out of him.

Until the officers came and pull me from him, I gave him the last kick on his weakest point.

Then, I pick her up and make my way outside. When I reach the hotel I laid her down on the bed and let the doctor examine her .

"I need to change her dress and to clean her first."

The dr said,indicating me to leave. But I refuse to leave her now even for a second.

"Let me change and clean her."

I said and pick her up to the bathroom. After removing her clothes, I found out that she is not badly injured, only her hand and feet have lots of cuts. And her lips were slightly injured.

She is looking so pale that her cheeks bones are visible. I bath her and wear her the loose gown for the time being. I take her back to the room. The dr bandaged her injuries and prescribed her some medicines.

"She has no metabolism in her body. First drink her some nutritious soup , but remember slowly as she had not any food for the last couple of days. May be her body don't take it and she vomits, if thats happen, first gave her the medicine and after an hour make her eat something. Understood."

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