CH 3: No. More.

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A/N:  Ok, because of the countless amount of sad puppy and kitty eyes I received as comments, here is the next chapter. 



I saw when Ming spotted Yo walking out of the building and I watched as he started walking towards him. Then I just couldn't believe what happened next. I saw the boy run out the doorway, saw him deliberately push Yo, but my mind just would not wrap around the fact that it really occurred.

Before, I even heard Ming's yell, I'd already turned to our friends shouting, "Get that kid!" then I took off to join Ming.

He's kneeling beside Yo, who is laying so still on the ground. Ming reaches for his shoulders and slowly rolls him over, pulling him into his arms as gently as he can.

Poor Yo has a huge gash on his forehead and he is bleeding pretty badly, but he's breathing. Ming tries to pick him up, but Yo is dead weight and he is struggling a little. I reach out to take Yo from him, thinking it'll be easier for me to carry him, but I receive a growl and teeth snapping in my direction for the effort.

I throw my hands up and say "Fine, you can carry him, but don't blame me if you drop him."

Ming growls again, but after a couple of seconds I get what I want when he hands Yo over to me. I carry him to the nurse's office with Ming hot on my heels, and lay him on one the beds. Leaving Ming with him, I go look for help. It takes me a while to track down the nurse, but I drag her back to the office with me when I do.

She gives Yo a quick check up, says she doesn't think he has a concussion, then cleans and bandages his forehead. She asks us to sit with him until he wakes which should be soon, and leaves saying she will call his family to come get him.

We sit quietly until Ming asks, "P'Forth, did you see it?"

"Yeah, I saw it, nong."

"P'Forth I know we just met him, but no one should have to deal with that shit. He could have been hurt really bad. Geez, he could have died. P'Forth, that can't happen again."

I look over at Ming. He's getting really worked up over this, and I don't blame him. Our Alpha always tells us we have a responsibility to protect those weaker than us, so watching something like this happen right in front of us and not being able to do anything to stop it, is hard.

I reassure Ming, "Trust me, it won't happen again. Which reminds me, I need to go take care of something. You staying with him?"


"Alright, I'll catch up with you in a bit." I need to go find our friends and see if they managed to catch the boy who pushed Yo.



Yo still hasn't woken up when about 30 minutes later, the nurse bustles back into the room with a large man. She's saying, " concussion, so he should be ok after he gets some rest, but you might want his personal doctor to see him."

"Yes, then I will take Master Wayo home now." The man moves towards the bed and scoops Yo up into his arms and walks out with him. All I can do is watch as they leave.

"Nurse, who was that?" I ask.

"Family butler. Wayo's father is away on a business trip. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm going to catch up with my friends. Thank you for your help." I wai to her then walk away. I'm still so shocked and angry over what happened, and I want to track down Forth to talk about it.

It only takes me a few minutes to hunt down my friends, but I'm shocked at what I find them doing. Didn't I just stop something like this from happening?

Two of our friends are holding up a kid by his arms while Forth is beating the crap out of him. I run over and grab his arm and turn him towards me yelling, "What are you doing?!?"

He jerks his arm away, "What are YOU doing?!? Why did you stop me?" he yells back at me.

"Why are you beating him? Who is he?" Forth looks at me with an incredulous expression on his face then grabs the kid's hair and lifts his head so I can see his face.

Now I recognize him, it's the boy who pushed Yo. "Oh, sorry to interrupt. Please continue." I say calmly to Forth as I take a step back.

"Nah, I think he's had enough." Our friends release his arms and he sinks to the ground. Forth squats down beside him and snaps his fingers in the boy's face to get his attention, "Hey... You... Look at me."

When the boy looks up, Forth grabs his shirt and pulls him in close as he leans towards him. His eyes flash golden as he speaks, "No. More. From now on Wayo Panitchayasawad is under the protection of the Blood Moon Pack. Pain and blood will be returned two-fold by the pack. Do you understand?"

The boy frantically nods his head, but before Forth releases him, he tells him one last thing, "Spread the word." When Forth finally lets go of his shirt, the boy scrambles to his feet and runs away, without looking back at us.

"Do you think that will stop it all?" I ask him.

"Probably not. It might take a few beatings, but it will end soon." Forth seems pretty confident and he's almost certainly right. Bullies are generally cowards who attack others to make themselves feel better. Once they realize they will have to pay a price for their bullying, it will come to a halt.


I'm waiting outside the school gates this morning for Yo to arrive. Since he was still unconscious yesterday when his butler took him, I don't know how he's doing. I didn't get his phone number yesterday either. I figured I'd have time after the game, but then everything went to hell. So, I couldn't call him to check on him.

When the school bell rings, I give up waiting and make a run for class.


I'm waiting outside the school gates again for Yo. I didn't see him at all yesterday, so I have to assume he didn't come to school. What if the nurse missed something? What if something was seriously wrong?

When the bell rings again without him showing up, I realize I'm going to have to try something else. Today is Friday, if I don't do something today, then I'll have to wait till Monday. I think over my options, and quickly come up with a workable plan.



So how is everyone liking it so far? Please remember to comment (because I love to read your comments) and vote (especially if you're a silent reader), so I know you're enjoying it.

I will be posting regular updates, so just relax. Daily like my previous book is what I'm striving for, and I will get there. I just need to work out my story line completely in my head, so I can give ya'll a good book.   :-]  

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