CH 36: Judgy Much?

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"This doesn't get you off the hook. We will talk about this again, and until we do, we will be watching you with Yo." Forth gives Pha a meaningful look, but then changes the subject, "Why doesn't he remember what happened?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe because it happened so quickly or a power overload since it was the first time he'd ever done it. Whatever the reason, I'm thankful." He answers, then gets up and start moving towards the door to put his shoes on.

"If we go there, is what happened earlier going to happen to you two again?" I ask as I move to put my shoes on too.

"Maybe. It could. But I'm aware of the possibility now, so I'll be more on guard. If it does just don't be an ass and play games. Just block our sight of each other and that should be enough to break us free." Pha answers.

"What if it happens with me or P'Forth?"

Pha suddenly spins back to face me, and his eyes are glowing again, "If you want to keep breathing, you better hope it doesn't."

"What is with all the damn death threats suddenly? That is the second one in like five minutes" I raise my voice at Pha.

"Let me make this perfectly clear for you. Right now, Yo's siren powers are rising in him, uncontrolled. Maybe I forgot to mention before, but a siren's powers are based around sex and lust. So, if he is capturing you with his gaze right now it means he's considering having sex with you."

He pauses for what I assume is dramatic effect or maybe just to take a deep breath and calm down. Who knows with this leech? But he finally continues.

"If Yo is considering having sex with you, I will definitely try to kill you. If I can't kill you I will tell your prospective mates that you are considering sex with Yo, and they will probably kill you."

"Hey that's not fair and it's not the truth! Damn are you that jealous and possessive?" I yell. It's not my fault if Yo looks at me. Who could blame him? Shit, I can't let Kit find out if he does. Maybe I should stay here and not go.

"Yes. I am. So, try really really hard not to attract Yo's attention right now. Either of you." He huffs then walks out the door.

I look back at P'Forth, "What are we going to do?"

Unconcerned, he throws his arm over my shoulders, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, buddy, but I don't think Yo is going to be looking at us like that now that Pha is around. So, I think it'll be fine."


Forth and I are in the car driving over to Yo's dorm. Pha is driving his own car and he left a few minutes ahead of us.

All the information we learned about Yo is starting to sink in, and I'm confused on what to think about my friend. "P'Forth, I'm not sure what do with all this new information about Yo. I'm starting to feel like maybe I don't know him as well as I thought I did."

Forth immediately pulls over to the side of the road and puts the car in park. "N'Ming, I can take you back to the dorm and drop you off if that's how you feel." He says as he looks me over, appraising me, "You might see Yo differently, but he is the same person he has always been. If you can't act like normal and treat him like normal, then I'll take you back."

"What? I didn't mean it like that. Why are you saying that? Why are your panties in a twist?"

"Soon, Yo is going to find out that almost everything he thinks he knows about himself is wrong. That he is a completely different species from what he thinks he is right now. That he has powers emerging that he is going to have to learn to control and that he can be a danger to others with those new powers. He will have all that on his plate and he will need his friends to be there for him, to support him. And right now, you're whining to me that one conversation about him made you think you don't know him anymore?"

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