CH 54: Let's Make a Deal

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"Do you think they're ok? Ming can be dumb sometimes, what if he makes Kit mad tonight? Kit wouldn't change his mind, would he?" He stops pacing and stares at me, "Oh No, Kit's going to change his mind."

Since he's close enough for me to reach, I snag his arm and pull him down into my lap. "Kit is not going to change his mind now. Once he makes a decision, he sticks with it. Plus, he's spent the last two months with Ming, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's getting himself into. So just relax."

After a couple of deep breaths in and out, he's a little calmer, and he changes the subject. "P'Pha what are you going to do tomorrow and Sunday while I'm gone?"

It's like a sharp pain stabbing at me when he asks this question. Shit, every time I think about him being away from me I feel that damn pain in my chest. It's only for 24 hours, but I feel like I might go crazy. I know I'm being unreasonable, but we've spent almost every day and night together for the last eight weeks.

"I've made plans to work with Forth to make sure Ming and Kit have everything they need to get through the mating. We'll be dropping off meals and such regularly for them. I'll probably hang out with Forth and Beam a bit too. Play some basketball, maybe."

"I'm glad you're helping Ming and Kit, and I hope you have fun the rest of the time."

"I hope so too."


Yo's Gran called him first thing this morning and I shamelessly used my sensitive hearing to listen. She asked if he would be willing to come out for lunch instead of waiting until this afternoon to start his visit. Yo tried to politely decline saying we had plans, but when the asking devolved into crying and pleading, he decided to pass the buck by turning the decision over to me.

"Gran, I have plans with P'Pha, but if he says yes then I will come for lunch."

She asks to talk to me and the phone is shoved into my face two seconds later. As Yo holds his hand over the receiver he looks at me with a sad face, "Sorry, I couldn't just tell her no. I can't be mean to my crying grandmother."

"It's fine. I'll take care of it." I pull the phone from his hand and step out onto the balcony to take the call, "Hello, Madam Pantichayasawad."

"Hello, Dr. Kongthanin." Wow! No tears evident in her voice now that she's talking to me.

"As Yo already told you, we have..."

"I know what my grandson told me, but I think you should reconsider and let him come early."


"Because my husband is adamantly opposed to your relationship, and you need an ally."

"Why would you help me? What do you get out of it?"

"A happy carefree grandson and access to see him whenever I want. Within reason, of course."

I start to refuse, but she continues, "For instance, take our situation right now. He wants to spend time with both of us, but he's letting you make the final decision about whether he comes over early because your feelings matter more to him right now. However, he still has to choose between us. Wouldn't it be better for Wayo if we worked together, so he didn't have to choose?"

I turn around, leaning my back against the balcony railing, as I think over her words. Facing Yo's room, I can see him standing inside biting at his thumb nail, while he waits for me to finish my conversation. I can tell he is nervous and stressed from here. I'll try this for him, because I agree he shouldn't be forced to choose between us.

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