CH 67: Soul-Bonding & Park's Life

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School progressed for all of us, and when finals hit it was absolute hell around campus. Luckily, we had the semester break and New Year's holiday to use to recover.

Kit, Ming, Beam, and Forth all went home to the Pack house for the break and Pha, I, and Park (yes Park too) went to my house.

Pha and I had planned a quiet get away to my house, since there would be no one there to bother us. We intended to spend our time sleeping late, having quiet meals together, and fitting in lots of sex.

However, when I found out Park had nowhere to go for the holidays and planned to just stay in his dorm at school, I changed our plans to include him. There was no way I was going to allow him to stay by himself when he could be with us.

Pha had a short hissy fit about my inclusion of Park in our trip, but he got over it pretty quickly. I doubt he was really surprised. Although, I don't know why he bothered telling me his opinions when he showed them to me quite aptly by having Park put into an entirely different wing from us at the house. Whatever. We were together and that's what I cared about.

It's not like it changed our plans much anyway. We all still slept late. We all still had quiet meals together. And Pha and I still had lots of sex. I was just also able to spend time playing video games and hanging out with my brother.

It was the perfect break.


When we got back to school and settled in, Forth and Beam initiated a dinner invite for the six of us to one of our favorite little restaurants. It turns out they had an announcement to make.

"This weekend Forth and I will be going away for a short trip."

"We just got back from the school break. Where are you two going?" Kit questions.

"Well, I'm... uhm..." Beam looks over at Forth who gives him a big smile, then turns back to us and spits it out. "We're going home this weekend to meet my parents and... to have the Soul-Bonding Ceremony."

There is absolute silence at the table while Kit and Pha stare at Beam in surprise. Soul-Bonding is serious for Vampires. It's basically getting married with truly a till death do us part commitment. For a vampire as young as Beam that could be 900-1000 years. Admittedly, Beam was the playboy of the group, so I could understand their shock that this was happening now.

"What?" Beam finally asks, looking around the table at us. "I thought you would be happy for us."

"Ai'Beam," Kit speaks up looking around the group, "we're all thrilled for the both of you. We're just surprised at how quickly you and Forth made this decision."

"Oh, well. It's not really quick. We've been talking about it for a while. Forth wants to wait until we graduate so we're closer to the same age, but I want to keep his hot body in mint condition for as long as possible. So, I told him we're doing it now."

We all chuckle at Beam's reasonings and his blunt way of saying what's on his mind. Then he opens his mouth and inserts his foot like always, "Ai'Kit, when are you and Ming going to tie the knot so to speak?"

It's absolutely quiet again until, "What the fuck Ai'Beam?!?" Kit screeches as he turns red.

Beam just laughs, "I know you've thought about it and from the smirk on Ming's face, I can see you've talked about it. So, when?"

"We'll wait till I graduate, P'Beam." Ming fills everyone in. "I'm not worried about staying this hot. Actually, I'm sure I'll get hotter over the next few years."

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