CH 27: Help Us

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Luckily Yo didn't go far, so I caught up to him quickly. He was just down the street from the courtyard, kneeling bent over in an alley, dry heaving as tears ran down his face. I crouch next to him and rub his back until he stops trying to hack up a lung.

After a few minutes, he stumbles to his feet and wraps his arms tightly around his body, almost like he's holding himself together. His tears are still flowing freely and he seems unable to catch his breath, but I can only watch since I'm not sure what's going on.

I'm confused; shouldn't he be happy his friends found their mates? I mean happy endings weren't guaranteed, Wolf and Vampire matings didn't happen a lot. But at least they found them. Right? I have questions, but this isn't the place to ask them. I need to get him home. My car isn't here with me, so we'll have to catch a cab back to the dorms.

I put my arm around him and lead him from the alley into the street to hail a taxi. On the ride home, he is quiet as he sits stiffly next to me, hiding his face in his hands. When we arrive at the dorms, I guide him upstairs and help him get into his room. But once inside, he just kicks off his shoes and crawls into bed, as he starts sobbing brokenly again.

I'm feeling completely frustrated and useless since I don't know what to do for him. So, I do the only thing I can think of right then, I kick off my shoes and crawl into bed with him and hold him as he cries. About 30 minutes later, he finally quiets. I raise up on my elbow to look at him and see he has fallen asleep. I reach to brush the hair off his forehead and feel that he has a slight fever.

Getting out of bed, I look through a couple of his cabinets until I find a large bowl. Then go to the bathroom, fill it with water, and grab a hand towel before returning to the bed. I roll him onto his back and wipe the sweat, dirt, and tears off his face and hands. I think about undressing him so he's more comfortable, but I don't want to risk waking him up at this point. So, I leave him like he is.


I stay with Yo all through his restless night. Sleeping a little beside him, but mostly watching him sleep as I have done so many nights before.

When the sun starts to rise I leave his room to go to the shop across the street to grab breakfast for us. He will be hungry when he wakes up and will need to eat.

When I get back with the food he is standing in front of balcony doors just staring out the windows. I set everything down and walk over to stand beside him. "Do you want to talk about why you're upset? Shouldn't you be happy for your friends?" I mean, I'm damn happy about this and they're not my friends. For me, this means the wolves will be focusing on their mates and they'll be out of my way, so I can concentrate on Yo. I feel a little bad for Beam and Kit, but oh well, they're big boys.

"I am happy for them." He says in a flat unconvincing voice.

"Then what's the matter."

"I'm going to be all alone again." I watch a tear trickle from the corner of his eye down his cheek.

Nope. No more crying. I might not completely understand the issue here, but I can't take seeing him crying again. I grab hold of his shoulders and gently turn him towards me. "It's not like the wolves are going anywhere. They just found their mates. They'll still be around, they're your friends after all. They're not going to abandon you just because they found their mates."

He's looking at me, and listening to my words. So, I take a chance to lighten the mood. "Besides, you're not alone. You have me." I flash him a super charming smile, and I get a weak chuckle in return. I'll take what I can get, at least it's not more tears.

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