CH 12: A Series of Firsts

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A/N: Ok, here it is! The chapter I've been dying to publish since I wrote it. These guys are one of my favorite Ghost Ships, so I was excited to be able to find room for it in this book. 

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.   ;-p    <3  <3


Warning: Mature Content in this Chapter – You have been warned! Not interested then I'm not sure why you're reading this book since it's marked 'Mature'.


I let out a big stretch and snuggle up to my warm pillow again, but my pillow is... groaning?

I open my eyes and look up to see Forth looking down at me. "Morning, Shorty." He says quietly.

I don't really want to, nonetheless I try to be polite and move off him, "Sorry, P'Forth, I didn't mean to sleep on you," but I can't because something is holding me in place. I look over my shoulder and see Ming pressed up against my back.

"It's ok, just be still or you're going to wake him." His arm is around me, between me and Ming, and he uses it to pull me tighter to him.

I lay my head back down and look up at him to ask, "Are you sure?"

He tilts his head down towards me saying, "Yeah, it's fine."

Our faces are barely an inch apart, as we look at each other. Forth is handsome, with his strong brow, and high cheek bones, and soft looking lips. I'm wondering how it would feel to be kissed by him when Forth closes the gap between us and presses his warm lips to mine. I don't know what to do, but the kiss doesn't last long enough for me to decide on anything. He pulls back just a few seconds later putting that inch gap between us again, and looks at me.

I run my tongue over my tingling lips. My first kiss. Forth took my first kiss.

"Was that ok?" He asks me.

I nod my head, "Yes."

"Can I do it again?"

My voice has deserted me, so I can only nod my head once more.

He leans in slowly this time, as he closes the small gap between us. I close my eyes as I feel his lips brush against mine again. So soft. So warm. He plants tiny kisses against the corners of my mouth and nibbles on my bottom lip. I feel his tongue slip across the seam of my closed lips and gasp at the sensation. He takes advantage of the opportunity and slips his tongue into my mouth. He's tasting me carefully and slowly. Twining his tongue with mine teasingly until I groan into his mouth.

"Hey P', no fair." I hear Ming's soft voice whining behind me as his arm tightens around my waist and his front presses into my back.

Forth pulls back from me, releasing my lips and looks at Ming, "I couldn't help it. He looked so perfect when he woke up this morning."

I am completely embarrassed to be caught, and I bury my head into Forth's chest. What will Ming think about me kissing Forth? From the corner of my eye I can see he's propped up on his elbow looking down at me. When I turn to look at him fully over my shoulder, he captures my lips for his own kiss.

Forth's arm on my back had been holding me to him, but he slides it out from behind me, releasing me, as Ming pushes at my shoulder. I lay back on the bed with Ming's lips still attached to mine.

His lips are not as soft as Forth's, and they're more demanding. He pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and nibbles on it. A soft moan escapes me at the feel and his tongue plunges into my mouth tasting me.

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