CH 45: I'm a Yo-Yo

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Uncle Charong showed up early just like he said he would. When he knocked on the door, Pha answered it since he still was only letting me out of bed when he had too.

"Dr. Kongthanin." I hear my uncle say before he walks into my line of sight. He looks me over, then takes a seat beside me on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling, nephew?"

"I'm ok, but uncle, did you just call P'Pha, Dr. Kongthanin?" I say surprised and look at Pha as he also enters view.

"Yes, that's his name isn't it? Dr. Phana Kongthanin."

"You're a doctor?"

"Uhm, well, yes. I am. I came back to college to study some new medical advances, so I can keep my skills up to date."

"Back to college?" I mull the thought over in my mind. "Uncle how do you know Pha?"

"I met him when your mother was sick. He worked at the last hospital she was in for treatment." Geez, that was a long time ago. I was like four years old when my mom died.

"P'Pha," I look at him. He looks upset, but I'm not sure about what, "how old are you? I mean I never thought about it before, since you look just a little older than me. But if you were already a doctor when my mother was sick, you must be really old."

My uncle laughs out loud at my question, while Pha looks relieved and irritated at the same time, if that's possible.

"I'm not that old. I'm about 23 in vampire years."

My uncle leans in close to me and whispers, "Now ask him old he is in human years."

I know Pha heard the question, because when I transfer my gaze to him, he is staring daggers at my uncle. "Well? How old are you? In human years."

He looks at me then away as his hand scratches the back of his head, "It's just the number of years I've been alive, it doesn't really mean anything. Does it really matter?"

"No," I smile it him, "But I'd like to know."

"Fine, I'm ffifer rhthe." He mumbles as he rubs his hand across his face.

"What was that? I think you were mumbling?" I'm really trying to hold back my laughter right now, but Pha is making it pretty hard.

"53! I'm 53. Alright?"

My mouth drops open in surprise. 53? Holy cow! I'm only nineteen and he's... Stop! I can't think about that, it would be too gross. "B-but you look so young." I sputter.

"Wayo, you know vampires age slower than humans. We've discussed the aging process of several different species during our lessons. Why are you so surprised?" My uncle asks.

"Well, I remember you saying that, but I didn't really think about it in this situation." I look Pha over with new eyes, so to speak, as he stares back at me looking a little worried.

My uncle's voice, breaks our staring contest. "Dr. Kongthanin, aren't you going to be late for class?"

Pha looks at his watch, lets out a low curse, and starts grabbing his things. "N'Yo, I will see you this evening, ok?" He hands my uncle a piece of paper, "He needs to stay in bed and rest, and if you notice any of these symptoms, he needs to go back to the clinic immediately. The address is listed there. I have to run an errand after class, but I'll be back right after that. Bye."

After he runs out of the room, my uncle looks over to me, "Wayo, you have some explaining to do."

He asks me what feels like a thousand questions about yesterday, of which about 994, I can't answer. Why? Because yesterday was just a normal day for me until the whole stairs incident. I don't recall anything out of the ordinary happening at all yesterday or prior to that day either.

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