CH 35: Addicted

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A/N:  Fae / Siren Clarification!  So, I've had lots of questions about this which means there are probably more people confused who didn't ask.

Fae is a general term for a large number of different species. Sirens, mermaids, fairies, and sprites are all Fae creatures. Sometimes, they will refer to themselves as Fae when they don't want others to know specifically what they are.

Hope this clarifies and answers everyone questions.

Hope you enjoy today's chapter. See ya tomorrow.



"He's a siren." Pha says.

"A what?" Ming asks.

"Yo is a siren. Well a half-blood. His mother was a siren. Father's human, if you can call him that."

A siren? "I've heard of sirens, but I've never see one and I don't know much about them. Something about being pretty maybe?" I think back, "I do remember the picture of his mother in the music room though. She was beyond beautiful."

"Yeah, I remember that too. After seeing the painting, I didn't wonder where Yo got his looks from anymore." Ming chips in. "So, what does being a siren mean? I mean he's pretty and he smells good, but that sucks if that's all there is."

"Wow. Just wow. Sirens don't transform into anything if that's what you're asking. Not everyone can be a shapeshifter, dog." Pha says sarcastically, then takes a deep breath and blows it out.

"Don't get huffy. I'm just asking." Ming says defensively.

I think Pha seems a little miffed we're not impressed by Yo's skills so far.

"If you watch TV at all, you've probably seen sirens and just don't know it. Look, I'll break down the basics for you." Pha says, "Sirens: beautiful looks, smell great, amazing voices, excellent musical skills, power to enthrall others. Generally, they're entertainers, singers, muscians, and actors."

Ming and I share a look before I turn to Pha, "Uhm, back up. What do you mean enthrall others?"

"Since I can't seem to really remember what happened at the end when were in Yo's room. I'm going to say that was an example. Which reminds me, one of you care to fill me in on what happened?"

I immediately turn to look at Ming, "It was your idea, you tell him."

"P'Traitor! It was supposed to be a joke!" He looks at Pha, "It was really supposed to be a joke. I mean you two were just standing there staring at each other and we couldn't get your attention. It was so sugary sweet it was making my teeth hurt, so I thought... well I... just wanted to see how spaced out you two really were." He pauses and looks from Pha to me. His cheeks are red from embarrassment.

"Continue." Pha demands.

"I might have told you to kiss him, and... well you kissed him. But, it got to be a little too much. You were both really into it and you picked him up and then you were against the wall." Ming glances at Pha, "It was... uhm... really hot." He trails off.

Pha's face is set in stone and he looks completely pissed. His eyes are glowing that freaky red color again, and the only thing that could make this picture complete would be steam coming out of his ears. "Yes, that would be a very good example of someone in thrall and how someone can take advantage of them." He spits out through gritted teeth.

"We've never seen him do anything like that before." I throw in trying to diffuse the situation.

"I bet you have seen it and felt it, but just didn't know it because it wasn't strong enough. His full powers have only just now started surfacing."

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