CH 14: Time to Go Home

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After I got out of the shower, we spent the rest of the day goofing around together. We ate, watched movies, played games and just hung out and talked. We were having fun, but Yo got a text a minute ago and his mood completely shifted.

I'm sitting on the floor in front of Ming's coffee table while Ming and Yo are sitting on his couch. Yo's holding his phone in his hand, just staring at it, so I ask, "Shorty, did something happen?" He shakes his head no, but doesn't say anything or look up at either of us.

I look over at Ming and he just shrugs his shoulders at me. I lean forward trying to see Yo's face and watch as a tear tracks down his cheek, before he catches it with his sleeve as he swipes his arm across his face.

"N'Yo, what's the..." I don't get the chance to finish my sentence as he pushes past Ming and runs to the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him. I turn to look at Ming again and see Yo's phone where he dropped it on the coffee table. I pick it up and it's still unlocked with his text app open on the screen.

Sonthi: Master Wayo, I will be outside at the end of the driveway to pick you up in five minutes.

"Damn it." I say, irritated.

"What? What happened?" I turn the phone to face Ming, letting him read the text. "Fuck. What do we do now?"

"Let's just give him minute." I say as I set his phone back down on the table. Ming and I just sit and wait.

After a few minutes, Yo comes out and heads to Ming's closet to grab his bag. He's packing his things away quietly. I climb to my feet and walk over to him. Wrapping my arms around him, I hug him from behind. Even though I already know, I wait to see if he'll tell me what's wrong, or if I'll need to ask.

Yo takes a deep breath in, then lets it out. In a trembling voice he says, "I have to go home now. Sonthi is probably already out-front waiting for me." He keeps messing with his bag as he says, "I had a really good time while I was here. Thanks for inviting me over." His voice cracks a little on the last few words.

Ming walks over and pushes Yo's bag out of his way. He sits on the bed in front of Yo and wraps his arms around both of us. "Come on, man. You're making me sad." He rests his chin on Yo's chest and looks up at him. "You know we'll see you at school tomorrow, right? I'll be waiting at the gates when you get there like usual."

"Sure, I know."

"Then what's the matter." Ming asks.

"I... I was just happy while I was here, and now... I have to go back..." He trails off.

I don't know what to say. What can I say? "N'Yo, we're happy you came over this weekend and you can come over again soon. Ok?"

He just nods his head, and the only thing left for me to say is, "Come on, we'll walk you out."

Yo gathers the rest of his things together and Ming grabs his bag. We both walk with Yo to the end of the driveway. The butler is there waiting for him. He greets Yo then takes his bag to the car.

We give Yo hugs, tell him again that we'll see him tomorrow, and watch him climb into the car. We stand and watch until his car is out of site, then head back into the house.

"Fuck that was hard. He looked so sad." Ming mumbles.

"I know, right. I think he just needs some more time to realize we're not going to disappear on him." Damn, I hope he realizes it soon. It can't be that hard every time he goes home.

The rest of the evening, we're both quiet, lost in our own thoughts. But I'm pretty sure both our thoughts are centered around Yo. I didn't realize sending him back to the Mausoleum alone would be so hard after him staying with us just one night.

Now, as I lie awake in my bed, only one image keeps resurfacing in my mind: Yo watching us through his window as the car pulls away, one of his palms pressed to the glass.



When Sonthi and I arrive home, I head to my room and unpack my bag. I look at the clock and almost cry as I realize how many hours I have until it's bed time. I try to read manga, but it's not distracting me like usual. I head to my game room and play a couple different video games before giving up and looking for a movie to watch. The movie maybe lasts 20 minutes before I turn it off. Nothing seems to hold my attention.

I'm restless, so I take a walk around the house. I'm not really paying attention to where I'm going, but when I arrive at the music room, I'm not surprised.

I walk to the veranda doors and throw them open, letting as much of the moonlight filter in as possible. Not that I need it, or any light for that matter. I know where everything is in this room by heart, and I certainly don't need to see to be able to play.

I walk towards the piano and sit on the bench seat. Running my fingers across the cool keys, I enjoy the feel of them under my fingertips. I begin by playing a simple piece, just warming up. After a few minutes, I transition to a harder concerto, testing myself, trying to figure out what I really need tonight.

The song I'm playing morphs into something else. Something of my own. I let the music flow through me out onto the piano. My loneliness, my anger, my despair all empty out of me as the music reaches a crescendo. Then suddenly the music shifts to lighter sounds, and my happiness, my joy, and my ecstasy replace the previous emotions. I pour it all out into the piano, leaving nothing left unsaid between it and me.

As all the restlessness and uncertainty empties from my mind and heart, it is replaced with a sense of peace and calm silence. I feel the tension leaving my body as my muscles relax.

When my song ends, my head falls back, and I stare at the dark ceiling above me. Silence surrounds me, but unexpectedly, I hear a whisper of sound to my right. Sound where there should be none, since I am here alone.

My head swings to the right side of the room, my eyes hunting the darkness for the cause of the noise. After several moments of waiting, I neither hear, nor see anything else. I start to believe I must have imagined it.

Now that my restless emotions have been drained from me, I think I'll be able to sleep. School is tomorrow, so I should head up to bed.

I close the fall board over the piano keys and rise from the bench. Walking to the veranda doors, I close and lock them before leaving the room.


UNKNOWN POV (Got it figured out??)

What was I doing? What if he had seen me? Everything would have been ruined. Years of planning, years of waiting could have been wasted in seconds.

But tonight, as he played, he was so beautiful, so entrancing. He had poured his heart and soul into the music he created. It had started out so dark and suffocating, but had transformed into something uplifting and stirring. I couldn't stop myself as I took a step towards him, wanting to touch him, wanting to hold him.

As his eyes searched the room for the cause of the sound he heard, my sanity returned and I flatten against the wall. I can only be thankful for the cover of darkness this room and the night provide. As he leaves, I release the shaky breath I'd been holding and try to regain my composure.

I know I should leave now, but I also know I won't. I need to be near him a little longer. I'll wait till he falls asleep, so I can have a few more hours with him before I depart.


The sun is just starting to crest the horizon when I can finally pry myself from his side. It seems to get harder and harder to leave him the older he gets.

I've watched and waited for twelve long years. I only need to wait a little longer. He'll go to college in just three years and then... Well I'm not sure yet what will happen, but I know I will be there... waiting for him. 



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11.15.2017   8:56 am  US CST

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